Are Boxers Good With Cats?

Are Boxers Good With Cats?

If you are a cat owner who also loves to have a canine companion, you are not alone. There are a lot of cat parents who also own dogs and with a good outcome. Common dog breeds that get along well with cats include the Collie, Golden Retriever, Beagle and Dachshund. If you are planning to add a Boxer dog to your pet family, read on and let us check out if this dog breed is suitable as your kitty’s buddy.  

Are Boxers good with cats?

Yes, Boxers are good with cats, at least most of them are. However, be aware that this is only possible and highly successful with early socialization and proper training. Untrained boxers may regard cats as prey and tend to chase and pursue them so it is essential to train and socialize your Boxer dog while still at a young age. This dog breed is generally friendly, active and playful which makes it a good match with cats. 

Also, studies attest that a cat and Boxer dog tend to get along well if the former is the first to arrive in the household. The cat should ideally be less than six months old during the introduction with the Boxer dog which should be preferably less than a year old. Meanwhile, gender or neuter status does not seem to be vital variables when it comes to a cat and dog relationship.

When introducing your Boxer dog with your cat, always take precautions to secure and protect the cat. Utilize baby gates and secure your Boxer dog on a leash and allow the cat to approach the dog in her terms. 

Make sure to use simple commands like “no” and “sit” with your Boxer if he starts to become aggressive towards the cat. Always have treats in handy because positive reinforcement helps calm the nerves of your dog. Do not discipline cats directly since they can form negative associations. The “getting acquainted” process may normally take around two to three weeks before your dog and cat will eventually warm up toward each other. 

Boxer dog breed:  History, physical traits, personality and health 


Boxers were first bred in Germany in the 19th century as bull-baiting dogs. They were also used as butcher’s helpers to control cattle in butcheries. Some canine breed historians state that this dog breed was named as boxl which is their so-called slaughterhouse designation while other dog experts say that the name may come from the way they use their forepaws to play.  They are descendants of the now-extinct Bullenbaiser breed which was used to guard the livestock and bring down large game like moose and deer. 

The modern Boxer breed came about because of George Alt who lived in Munich, Germany but imported a Bullenbeisser from France. His dog’s name was Flora and her offspring were said to be the beginning of the modern Boxer dog breed. The dog breed was imported to the USA after World War I and it has become one of the popular dog breeds in America. While they were first considered as working dogs they have recently become known as guard dogs, police dogs and seeing-eye dogs and they make good family pets and companions.

Physical traits 

The Boxer dog breed is muscular, medium-sized, stocky and powerful. They have distinctly-shaped square heads with blunt muzzles and undershot jaws and they have so-called brachycephalic or squashed and wrinkly faces. These dogs have a broad and deep chest with a short but strong back. They have droopy and dark brown eyes, cropped and floppy ears that stand erect, the tails are docked and carried high with compact feet and arched toes. 

This breed’s snout is about half the length of the skull and has wrinkly jowls which serve them well especially when hunting, mainly to breathe while holding on to prey while waiting for their owner to arrive. The males may grow to around 25 inches and may weigh from 65 to 80 pounds while females may grow from 21 to 25 inches and may weigh from 50 to 65 pounds with a lifespan of 10 to 12 years. They have a short coat and they shed moderately. 

While most Boxers have a rich, fawn color while others are brindle and they usually have a black mask or face but may have white face markings and white on their chest and paws. White Boxers are known to be more prone to deafness and health and temperament issues. 


Boxers are energetic, intelligent, outgoing and playful. They are affectionate, friendly, courageous and usually described as clownish because they tend to have a sense of humor.  They require lots of exercise and love to play fetch and go on long walks with their owners. They are in constant need of companionship, very loyal to their owners, patient with children and will fiercely guard their human family and home from strangers.

However, Boxers also tend to become destructive, thus, they should be given plenty of stimulation and activity. They are vocal and tend to growl but they do not bark excessively. They do well in a rural setting where there are wide spaces to explore but if you live in an urban area they need to be taken out for regular walks. 

Since they are intolerant of hot and cold weather they will do well in an indoor setting. They tend to mature at a slower rate compared to other breeds so expect to have a dog stuck in a puppy mode which means lots of mischief. They tend to drool excessively while some may snore and snort which may sometimes be appalling but also amusing to watch. 


Since boxers cannot tolerate hot weather they should be taken care of to avoid becoming overheated. They also do not do well in cold weather because of their short coat so they are better off indoors during the winter season. Provide them with good nutrition to keep them healthy and for their coat to stay shiny and smooth. They only need to be bathed occasionally but must be given regular rub-downs with a grooming mitt. 

This dog breed is generally athletic and healthy but they are also prone to certain health conditions. These include deafness, bloating, allergies, cancer, hip dysplasia, bloating, corneal dystrophy, hypothyroidism and demodicosis or red mange caused by parasitic mites. 


Boxers are very energetic and athletic but they can also be a good match for cats because they are affectionate and friendly.  However, early socialization and training are necessary and they should be properly introduced to your cat to avoid altercations. It is vital to bring in a dog and cat while they are still at a young age to ensure that they will get along well. 

Image: / fotojagodka