Persian cats are not only recognized for their long, beautiful coats, but also for their serene and sweet demeanor. These adorable fur balls are also admired for being friendly and affectionate – no wonder so many cat lovers fantasize about owning one of these beauties!
If you are a first-time fur parent of a Persian cat, you might be wondering how affectionate your cat actually is, and how this breed shows affection. Well, let us dive in!
How Persian cats show their affection
Do Persian cats really love their owners? Or do they only care about what their humans can do for them?
If you have been thinking about bringing home a Persian cat, you have probably asked yourself these questions several times. After all, we all want a furry companion that likes to reciprocate our love – a super friendly cat that enjoys human contact.
Contrary to what some people believe, Persian cats do feel affection for their humans. In fact, they thrive in human company and enjoy being near their family. It is just that they might express their love and happiness in different and subtle ways. And every cat, no matter their breed, has their own unique temperament.
So, how do Persian cats express their affection for their human companions? Here are 14 very common ways:
1. Cuddling
Cats’ cuddling behavior is something they learn during kittenhood – they bundle up together with their momma cat and their siblings for warmth and protection. As they grow into adult cats, they tend to continue craving this snuggly feeling. This time, however, they want to do it with the humans they love and trust.
So, if your Persian jumps into your lap for some warmth and cuddles, it is a sure sign of love and affection. Seize the moment as you snuggle together on the couch. Read your favorite book or watch a movie together at night – your furry friend will appreciate the bonding time.
2. Slow blinking
If you have spent a lot of time with your Persian, you have probably noticed their slow, blinking eyes as they stare at you. Believe it or not, this is one of the cutest ways cats have to tell you how much they love you. The heart-warming gesture is also a visual statement of trust: your cat is aware that he feels safe and secure being around you.
3. Rubbing on you
Head bunting and cheek rubbing are some of the sweetest gestures, and are common to all cat breeds, including Persians. For first-timers, it might be difficult to understand why cats love rubbing themselves against their humans.
According to animal behavior experts, cats rub their cheeks, backs, or foreheads against their owners or any object to transfer their scent, also known as pheromones. Cats have several scent glands on their chins, necks, foreheads, and ears, and, as creatures with a highly sensitive sense of smell, marking their favorite people or objects with friendly pheromones is a way of identifying their family or their territory. The rubbing behavior might also indicate great trust, comfort and affection.
4. Licking and grooming
You might think that for cats, licking is only a part of their grooming routine. The feline tongue, covered with hundreds of tiny papillae, is amply equipped to brush and clean their long, beautiful fur. However, licking is not only associated with grooming; it can also be used to create a social bond with humans and other animals.
Have you noticed how a mother cat licks her kittens to keep them clean? It is also a way to show care and affection to her kittens. So, when Persian cats lick other pets or their owners, they are showing their love – a gesture learned through copy-cat behavior while they were kittens.
5. Holding their tail erect
The position of your cat’s tail can tell you a lot about how he is feeling. If it is lifted high with a little curve at the end, your furry friend is telling you that he is happy. If it sways back and forth, it is time to bring out his favorite toys, because he is probably in the right mood for a game.
6. Showing their belly
The belly is one of the most vulnerable parts of a cat’s body, so they do not often expose it, especially in the presence of potential predators. Somehow, cats are aware that a single blow to their belly can cause serious injuries. So, if your Persian cat lies on his back and displays his fluffy belly to you, it is an ultimate show of trust and affection!
7. Playing
Persian cats are also playful by nature. You may find that, as you pass a doorway in your home, your cat is lying in wait behind it to give you a surprise pounce. This is his way not just of playing, but of displaying his skill at hunting and chasing his prey.
8. Leaving gifts
Although Persian cats look sweet and innocent, they are still predatory by nature. Like any other cats, they cannot resist the thrill of hunting and catching prey. And, because they are proud of their catch, they will want to share their joy with their favorite people.
So, the next time you see an unpleasant surprise in the morning, do not get too upset – your feline just loves you and likes to share with you.
However, if this behavior becomes too frequent and unpleasant for you, there are some tricks you can try to discourage your little hunter from hurting small animals.
- Keep him distracted with interactive toys, scratching posts, and cat trees.
- Consider a belled collar for your kitty.
- Invest in a cat flap door to keep him confined indoors.
9. Kneading
Kneading is a cat’s way of showing comfort and pleasure. This behavior often happens when your Persian is relaxing beside you, napping with you on the bed, or sitting on your lap. He will not hesitate to knead your lap or belly to show his affection and contentment, so make sure that his nails are regularly trimmed!
10. Sleeping and relaxing near you
Sleeping next to his owner is another sure sign that your Persian cat loves and trusts you. Cats are at their most vulnerable when they sleep; hence, sleeping beside the people they trust gives them a sense of security and comfort. It benefits you as well – you get to snuggle with a warm, fluffy cat on cold nights!
11. Greeting
Persians, like many other cat breeds, can be quite independent. This means that if they make an effort to greet you at the door, you must be an important person in their life. It is almost like having a personal fluffy butler rushing to the door whenever you get home!
12. Mirroring
If you are loving and caring toward your Persian cat, he will likely mirror your behavior. You are part of his world, so it is quite expected for him to take his cues from you.
13. Purring
Have you ever heard that soft rumble when your cat feels relaxed and content, as if there is a well-tuned, small motor inside him? Purring is generally associated with positive or happy experiences for a cat, such as relaxing, nursing, grooming, or soothing himself.
So, when your Persian cat starts purring as you cuddle together, know that this is a happy cat sound. Your whiskered friend is feeling good and is pleased to be near you.
14. Being vocal and following you
Persians are generally not demanding and chatty like Siamese, but they do occasionally become loud if they are not getting your attention. While they are known for being docile, they might also demand cuddles if you have been neglecting them for too long. Make sure that you spend regular time bonding and cuddling with Fluffy!
Are Persian cats clingy?
Persian cats are loved for their docile, sweet natures. They can be extremely loyal and affectionate without being overly demanding or clingy. If you earn a Persian’s trust and love, he will never tire of following you around the house. And, when you have the time, he will gladly jump onto your lap for some cuddles or snuggle with you on the couch.
However, if a Persian does become clingy, he might be suffering from separation anxiety. A lack of early nurturing, trauma, insecurity, or changes in his environment are all contributing factors to such needy behavior. In this case, it is best to have your feline checked by the vet to manage this behavior and also to rule out any serious health issues.
Do Persian cats enjoy cuddles?
The answer is a resounding yes – Persians do enjoy cuddles, especially with their favorite people. And, although they tend to be loyal to one person, they can also enjoy cuddling with other family members. These adorable furballs like to bond with humans through physical contact. Snuggling can also be soothing, as it provides warmth and a feeling of protection for your kitty.
Do Persian cats miss their humans?
Persian cats are known for their calm and dignified characters. They are laid-back and independent – they trust their humans to fulfill their needs so they do not worry a lot when you leave them alone at home. And, the moment you arrive back from work, your Persian will happily run toward the door to say hello.
So, does this mean that Persians do not miss their humans?
There is no definite answer to this. All cats form different attachments with their owners. Your cat might greet you briefly at the door when you arrive, and then continue with his own business. This does not mean he does not care at all – it is just how some cats are! Unlike dogs, cats are more subtle in showing affection to their human companions.
However, Persians do feel loneliness if they have been abandoned by their owners. If you are always away on long trips, your furry friend will likely suffer from depression or separation anxiety. Persians, like other cats, can also experience boredom due to their owner’s long absence.
Do Persian cats get along with other pets?
Generally, Persian cats do not have any issues coexisting with other pets under the same roof. These sweet and loving souls can tolerate or even enjoy the company of other household cats or dogs, thanks to their laid-back nature.
However, you do need to introduce them properly and gradually to other pets. Although they typically make great companions, not all cat or dog breeds might get along with your Persian, especially if the other pet is hyperactive or aggressive. Make sure you do your research before pairing your Persian with other pets.
Which Persian cat gender is more affectionate?
According to most Persian cat owners, male Persians tend to be more affectionate than females. It has been observed that males are more likely to become lap cats, while females tend to be independent and more cautious.
However, as all animal experts will always stress, every feline has unique personality traits. Hence, there is no ultimate answer as to whether male Persians are more affectionate than females.
So, when it comes to choosing the right Persian cat, the gender should not matter much. Personality traits are often more dependent on the cat’s breed, as well as how they were raised by their owners. Early socialization will also greatly influence their propensity for affection.
Why your Persian cat is not affectionate
Some cats can sit comfortably on your lap for hours, while others are a bit resistant to physical contact. If your Persian is not affectionate, there could be several reasons for this, including the following:
- Stress, especially if the environment is too noisy for the cat.
- Illnesses that cause pain and discomfort.
- Lack of socialization, especially during their younger years.
- Jealousy, such as when you bring home a new pet or give birth to a baby.
- History of trauma and abuse from a previous family.
- Your cat simply does not like being cuddled, petted, or picked up. This does not mean he is not affectionate towards you; you might be misreading his body language. Keep in mind that cats, in general, may not show affection as obviously as their canine counterparts.
How to make your Persian more affectionate
Heredity generally plays a role in a cat’s personality. Some people even believe that cats model their mother cat’s behavior from back when they were kittens. If you adopt a kitten, early socialization can also affect how his temperament develops.
But what if your Persian cat suddenly becomes less affectionate? Or, perhaps you have adopted an adult cat and you have no idea about his background and influences. Can you still teach your Persian how to be more affectionate?
You can certainly try the following tips:
- Provide a safe and enriching environment for your cat. As much as possible, keep him away from boisterous activities and other loud noises. It is also best to limit home visitors.
- Reward your furball every time he shows affectionate behavior.
- Respect your cat’s boundaries. Do not force him if he is not in the mood for cuddles – let him approach you on his own terms instead.
- Be gentle. Do not scold or punish your cat for inappropriate behavior.
- Provide your cat’s basic needs, such as balanced meals, clean water, interactive toys, and a cozy bed.
- Keep your cat healthy. No matter how friendly a cat is, if he does not feel well, he will not respond positively to your affection.
Is a Persian cat the right pet for you?
Persians are among the most popular cat breeds in the world, thanks to their glamorous fur and sweet disposition. However, these kitties can be a bit high-maintenance, as their coat needs a lot of grooming to keep it clean and beautiful. You do also need to clean your house regularly, since these cats tend to shed a lot.
If you decide to own a Persian, keep in mind that they typically prefer a serene environment with little noise and distractions. Even though they are gentle and easy-going, these felines might not tolerate loud and rough children or other pets.
With all of the above in mind, if you think you have what it takes to care for a Persian cat, then this might be the breed for you. Although they can be quite expensive and high-maintenance, their good looks and charming personalities will definitely make them worth it.
Image: istockphoto.com / MilanMarkovic