Cat Throwing Up Worms

Cat Throwing Up Worms

Realizing that your cat has worms can be stressful and worrisome but there’s nothing that proper treatment and medication cant fix. A cat throwing up worms is a sure sign of very heavy infestation and proper steps should be taken immediately.

Why is my cat throwing up worms?

The reason your cat is throwing up worms is that she’s heavily infested with roundworms or tapeworms. It can become life-threatening especially if the cat has been repeatedly vomiting for a while already since she may also become dehydrated.

What to do if your cat is throwing up worms?

If your cat is vomiting out worms then prompt medical attention should be given. Bring her to the vet immediately so he can administer a proper treatment. For roundworms, the vet may prescribe medications like Drontal, Panacur, or Revolution while for tapeworms it’s Praziquantel or Epsiprantel. Your vet may also schedule regular deworming sessions for a couple of weeks. Also, your vet may give IV fluids to your pet cat if she has been repeatedly throwing up for a couple of hours to prevent dehydration. For an estimation of average cost, read our article on how much does it cost to deworm a cat.

Here are some preventive measures to avoid worm infestation:

  • Don’t let your pets outdoors as they may tend to hunt for prey. 
  • Always clean the litter regularly.  Litter boxes should be disinfected by using a bleach solution and make sure to rinse them well. 
  • Should you notice cat feces in your yard or playground, dispose of it appropriately so that those areas won’t be contaminated with worm larvae. 
  • Breeding female cats should be dewormed before pregnancy and before giving birth to avoid contamination on her kittens. 
  • Kittens should be dewormed as recommended by the vet and the deworming should be given when they’re around three weeks old and before they have their first vaccines. 
  • Make sure to control fleas by keeping your pets well-groomed.
  • If you have a new cat separate it at first with the rest of the pets and have her checked for worms before she can socialize with the other cats
  • Have your kitty examined regularly. 
  • Always follow your vet’s instructions and advice

Why cats get worms: Causes, types, and symptoms

Why cats get worms: Causes, types, and symptoms

Cats generally will experience having worms at least once or more during their lifetime but it can be promptly addressed with regular deworming sessions as advised by your vet. 

Here are the usual reasons why cats get infested with worms:

  • they can contract worms while they’re still kittens by nursing from an infected mother cat
  • cats may get infected by ingesting litter infected with worm larvae while cleaning their paws when grooming
  • cats can also get worms from infected soil or plants  
  • by eating infected prey like rats and other rodents 
  • biting and ingesting fleas that are carriers of worm larvae

The common types of worms in cats are the following:

  • roundworms – intestinal parasites that resemble spaghetti strands and about 3 to 4 inches long 
  • tapeworms – resemble strips of tape, are segmented and flat and about 4 to 24 inches long 
  • hookworms – these intestinal parasites are smaller than roundworms and more or less 1 inch in length

Signs that your cat has worms aside from vomiting:

  • difficulty in breathing
  • coughing 
  • unexplained weight loss 
  • worm segments in the feces or around the anus 
  • bloody stool and diarrhea 
  • a bloated or rounded belly 
  • constipation 

Can humans get worms from cats?

Yes, humans can get worms from cats, especially children, if they come in contact with contaminated soil or feces. Young kids, in particular, are at risk because they love to play in the yard which may have been contaminated with infected cat feces. Also, if you’re fond of gardening then there’s a risk that you may come in contact with worm larvae from contaminated soil.

Can humans get worms from cats

To prevent infestation, dispose of a cat’s poo in your yard at once. Pet owners are at risk especially when cleaning and disposing of contaminated feces. To avoid getting infected, wear gloves when cleaning the litter and always wash your hands properly after the task. You can also get worms by walking barefoot in an contaminated area since worm larvae can burrow into your skin and may cause irritation and itching. To protect yourself, always wear shoes or slippers when walking in the yard. 

Even if you’re only petting or playing with your pet cat, you can get worms like flea tapeworm by accidentally ingesting infected fleas.

Final thoughts 

Should your cat manifest warning signs and start throwing up worms, make sure to bring her to the vet at once. Your vet will administer the proper medication to get rid of the worms and to nurse your cat back to health. Laboratory tests should be done and successive deworming sessions may be scheduled to avoid reinfestation.