Cats are complex creatures and cat owners struggle to understand their behavior which can be quite unpredictable. Cats use various body language to communicate. Take, for instance, when they wag their tail and purr.
Cat wagging tail while purring: What does it mean?
If your cat is wagging her tail while purring it could mean that she is annoyed, angry, excited, happy or hungry. However, this will vary from one cat to another. It is also dependent on what is going on around them and how they are wagging their tail. A cat’s wagging tail typically indicates anger but this is usually not the case if it is accompanied by purring.
There is no clear-cut reason why a cat wags her tail while she purrs. Felines have complicated ways of communicating and cat experts have not fully understood the meaning behind a cat’s body language.
Cat owners need to take time to know their cat and pay attention to environmental factors that could contribute to the behavior. Observe how your cat wags her tail as this often provides a clear answer of what she is trying to communicate.
Why do cats wag their tails?
Cats wag their tails for the following reasons:
1. When they are feeling confident.
Your cat is most likely feeling confident when you see her walking with her tail held high and wagging a little at the top. This could also mean that she is happy and is open for playtime and other pets.
2. When they feel scared.
Frightened or scared cats tend to wag their tails in a low position. Cat experts note that the exact position of a cat’s tail can determine the degree of fright. A cat’s tail tucked between her legs could mean that she is very scared. You should not approach a cat if the tail is in this position.
If the tail is straight up in the air and the back is arched with ears pushed back, it could mean a cat is scared but ready to fight. Give her time to calm down and keep your distance if your cat manifests this kind of behavior.
3. When they are excited.
Cats wagging their tails in a shaky motion could mean they are feeling excited. It may also mean they are happy to see their owners. Their tails are upright and may quiver from top to bottom. However, it could also indicate that they are about to spray urine to mark their territory.
4. When they are annoyed.
Cats that wag their tails back and forth repeatedly and flick it with little bursts of energy could mean they are annoyed. It could mean their territory was invaded by pushy humans or they do not want to be bothered. Leave your cat alone for a while if she is displaying this kind of behavior.
5. When they are hunting.
Cats may wag their tails and wave them back and forth when they are on the prowl. You will notice that they will jump on their prey whether in nature or their cat toy after a few moments in this position. Felines also tend to do this when they are about to pounce on a ball or other tempting objects like a dangling string or rope.
6. When they feel secure.
Cats moving or wagging their tail when they purr can mean they are feeling secure. It can also mean that they are enjoying the petting session and your attention.
Why do cats purr?
Cats purr for the following reasons:
- They are begging for food or attention.
- They are happy, relaxed and comfortable.
- They are scared and trying to soothe themselves.
- They are in pain and trying to self-heal.
- They are in a good mood.
- They are contented.
- They are guiding their newborn kittens since they cannot hear yet.
Why does my cat wag his tail when he’s happy?
Your cat is wagging his tail when he is happy as an expression of his happiness. A happy and confident cat may wag his tail and walk around with the tail straight up. It could also mean that your cat is willing to interact and wants to play with you.
Is my cat happy when purring?
Cats communicate various emotions when they purr and being happy can be one of them. They will purr when they are in a relaxed environment and when they are calm. They will also purr as you stroke and pet them. This indicates that they are feeling happy and sociable.
Why does my cat’s tail go up when I pet her?
Your cat’s tail may go up when you pet her because she is agreeable to what you are doing. It could also mean she is happy to meet you or another pet However, watch out for a straight-up tail posture showing a hook at the end of the tail since it could mean that she is undecided about her feelings.
Final thoughts
Cats communicate with their owners through various body language such as by wagging their tails while purring. They could be doing that because they are happy, content, annoyed or hungry. However, cats tend to be complicated and it takes some experience to master a cat’s behavior and what it means.
Image: istockphoto.com / ablokhin