Are you feeling frustrated because your cat suddenly has a penchant for peeing in the sink or pooping in the bathtub instead of her litterbox? If your cat suddenly acts this way, it may be a sign of deeper issues with your cat.
Cats pooping in the bathtub: Why do they do that?
Here are the reasons why cats poop in the bathtub:
1. She has issues with her litter box.
Your cat may be pooping in the bathtub or elsewhere because her litter box is full. She may also be uncomfortable when using the litter box because it is too small, too high-tech, too shallow, too deep or has a hood that she does not like. Cats have different personalities and sometimes you have to observe them to be able to figure out their litter box preferences.
If you have multiple cats in your home, the problem could be due to insufficient litter boxes. Most cats will not share a litter box so always have extra ones so your cats can do their business in peace. Also, place your cat’s litter box in a quiet area and away from noise, foot traffic and her eating quarters.
2. Your cat dislikes the litter you use for her litter box.
Another reason why your cat is pooping in the bathtub instead of the litter box is the type of litter you use. Cats are unique and each has its preferences when it comes to litter type. While some like clumping litter, other cats prefer the sandy and soft kind because it feels good to their paws. Others seem to be averse to litter in granule and pellet form.
You may also check our earlier article on how much cat litter per month for additional information.
3. Your cat is stressed or anxious.
A stressed or anxious cat may poop in the house or the bathtub instead of the litter box. Signs that your cat is stressed include hiding, diarrhea, overgrooming, becoming too clingy and decreased appetite.
Here are the common causes of stress in cats:
- competition for resources like food and water in a multi-cat home
- changes in the home such as remodeling and furniture rearrangement
- addition or absence of a family member or pet
- inadequate territory
- vet or groomer visits
- boredom
4. Your cat has an underlying health problem.
Inappropriate elimination in areas aside from the litter box can be due to health issues. The common culprits include constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, cystitis and anal gland problems. Your cat may also be pooping outside the litter box because she has difficulty getting inside due to arthritis. If you suspect that your cat is behaving like that because of a health problem, consult your vet.
Aside from the reasons mentioned above, your cat may also be doing it because she likes the smell and feel of the bathtub. She could also be marking her territory to let other cats in the household know that it is her own. Declawed cats also tend to poop there since they are uncomfortable digging through the litter.
How do I keep my cat out of the bathtub?
You can keep your cat out of the bathtub by filling it with a few inches of water and leaving it like that for at least a week or two. Your cat will eventually assume that the tub is always full of water and will think twice about going there again. If she decides that the floor around the bathtub is a good substitute, try to put her litter box near the tub so she can have easy access to it.
You can also place some aluminum foil around the ledges of the bathtub since cats hate its texture. Keep the bathroom door closed all the time so your cat cannot sneak inside.
Why would a cat suddenly start pooping in the house?
Your cat will suddenly start pooping in your house because of health issues like stomach upset, constipation or urinary tract infection. She could also be doing it because of a smelly litter box, because she does not like the litter in it or if the location of the litter box is noisy and not secured. If you have two or more cats, it could also be due to an inadequate number of litter boxes.
Stress also plays a role in why cats will suddenly start pooping in the house. It could be due to a recent move, a home remodeling or there was a new addition to the family such as a family member or a new pet.
Final thoughts
It can be disgusting to find that your cat is using your tub as her go-to place. Your cat could be pooping in the bathtub because she has issues with her litter box and she finds it smelly and uncomfortable. She may also be stressed or anxious or experiencing health issues. Bring her to the vet if she is manifesting symptoms indicative of a medical condition.
Image: istockphoto.com / artsandra