Every breed of cat has its own collection of pros and cons, thanks to their varying personality traits. And, what’s more, it is not just the breed, but also the gender that plays a role in a cat’s character. In this article, we will address Siamese cats in particular, and discuss the differences between males and females of that breed.
If you are undecided and curious as to how male and female Siamese cats differ in terms of personality, needs, and physical traits, then this post will lay out everything you need to know, and will help you decide which will make a better pet for you.
How to tell if your Siamese is male or female
It is quite easy to fall in love with a Siamese: they are charming no matter their gender. However, not all cats have the same personality, and there are certain traits that are more common in females than males, or vice versa. If you are considering a member of this adorable breed as your home companion, it might benefit you to know its gender.
Knowing whether a cat is male or female can be a bit tricky, especially if it is still a kitten. One way to tell is to lift the tail so that you can see its private parts. Male cats usually have a wider space between the genital opening and anus than females do. Additionally, you can also see a vertical genital opening on female cats, while the males have a round opening.
Another way to know your cat’s gender is to feel its genitals using your thumb and index finger. If you can feel two oval-shaped testes, then your feline is a male. If not, it is a female. However, it can be very difficult to feel the small testes of a kitten before it reaches around four to six months old.
Female Siamese personality
Just like male Siamese cats, the females are also social and affectionate, but not quite as much. Females are known for their independent personalities and tend to seek more alone-time. Unlike their male counterparts, they do not mind being left alone for hours and are less prone to anxiety. So, if you are a busy individual and often away from home due to work, then a female might be the best fit for you.
Aside from their independent and laid-back personalities, these intelligent cats also tend to be more well-behaved and less playful than the males. However, females can be very vocal and chatty, and will meow a lot if they are craving your attention. The sound of their yowls is somewhat similar to that of a crying baby. Females also tend to be noisy if they feel uncomfortable or sense something unpleasant.
If you prefer a less vocal companion, then the female Siamese may not be the best option for you.
Male Siamese personality
If you are a homebody and would not mind having a clingy companion at home, then a male Siamese could be the right pet for you. Males are generally more affectionate and friendly than females, and love cuddles and regular interactions with their humans. Aside from their intelligence, male Siamese cats are also playful and active, making them a fun companion to have around the house.
As we already mentioned, males are more clingy, so keep in mind that having one under your roof might be demanding on your time and attention. Leaving them alone for days (if you are on vacation) or even hours can lead to feline anxiety.
Additionally, they can also be a little stubborn. If you want to teach your cat some cool tricks and proper behavior, you will need to firmly establish some boundaries between the two of you. This is important so that your four-legged companion will know that you are in control and he must respect you.
Despite their clingy and stubborn personalities, male Siamese cats are loyal and protective of their owners. If you appreciate both the pros and cons of their traits, then having a male Siamese companion at home might be a great option.
Other differences
Here are some of the other aspects in which female and male Siamese may differ:
1. Size and weight
Compared with other cat breeds, Siamese have well-defined, slender features and a smaller body size. They also have a very distinctive coat color and an athletic, muscular look. When it comes to body size, the males are usually taller than the females, reaching anywhere from 11 to 14 inches tall. A female Siamese, on the other hand, stands between 10 and 12 inches.
Since male cats are more active and athletic, they are also heavier than their female counterparts. An adult male Siamese generally weighs around eight to 12 pounds, while a female is only between six and eight pounds.
However, the size and weight of your Siamese may vary depending on other factors, such as age, genetics, selective breeding, and nutrition.
Siamese kittens aged below six months generally weigh between four and six ounces. Senior cats may maintain their weight or lose some due to certain diseases. And, since older cats are less active, some might also gain weight as they adopt a more sedentary lifestyle.
Another important factor that affects size and weight is the breed type. As you may know, a Siamese can come from modern, classic, or traditional lineage. Some of these cats have a lean, muscular physique, while the others can be slightly chubby.
2. Eating habits
Since male cats are heavier and more muscular than females, they tend to consume more food to maintain their bodies. Males are also more active and playful, so they burn more calories and fat. Hence, you need to replenish their bowls with quite a lot of food to complement their body mass and active lifestyle.
A female Siamese, meanwhile, will require lots of food if she is pregnant or nursing her kittens, but will otherwise eat less than a male. Still, just like the male, you also need to ensure that your female is well-nourished and consumes enough calories to maintain her health.
Although we have just said that males tend to eat more than females, this might not be true for all Siamese cats. At the end of the day, your cat’s eating habits will still largely depend on his or her daily activities. If your Siamese spends lots of time playing with you or enjoys outdoor hunting escapades, then you will likely need to replenish their bowl more often, regardless of gender.
3. Trainability
Since female Siamese cats are often more laid-back and well-behaved than the males, you will likely succeed in training them in a shorter space of time. They are also highly intelligent and obedient, so with consistent training and rewards, you should be able to teach your female good behavior and cool tricks fairly quickly.
Male Siamese, on the other hand, are more playful and a little stubborn, making them harder to train. They are more known for their carefree personalities and would rather follow their own will than their owners’ instructions. With that in mind, you will need to push your male cat a little harder before he absorbs the lessons. You should make it clear to him that you are the alpha by setting boundaries so that he respects you. Never forget to use positive reinforcement such as treats and verbal praise whenever he shows the right behavior.
4. Health and care
There is not very much difference in overall health and well-being between male and female Siamese cats. Both genders can be more prone to several types of feline cancer than any other cat breeds. Female Siamese have a higher risk of developing diseases related to the reproductive organs, such as ovarian or mammary cancer.
It is also worth noting that male Siamese cats are more affectionate than females. Hence, you may need to pay more attention to your male to avoid the development of problematic behaviors such as spraying.
5. Life expectancy
Although Siamese cats can live up to 15 years, females are likely to live two years longer than males. However, this does not mean that male cats cannot outlive females. In general, their life expectancy still largely depends on diet and lifestyle. In other words, you need to take care of your furry friend by providing them with proper exercise, nutrition, and lots of love. This is the most sure-fire way to ensure that your pet lives a long, healthy, happy life.
Having your Siamese cat neutered or spayed will also go a long way in improving their quality of life. Aside from preventing certain unwanted behaviors, neutering or spaying will also reduce the risk of developing some cancers.
Lastly, indoor Siamese cats are also more likely to outlive outdoor cats. The reason is quite obvious – those that spend more time outdoors face several dangers, and can even pick up certain diseases.
6. Breeding
Neutering a male Siamese at around six months old has several health benefits, such as a reduced risk of prostate- and testicular-related cancers. On top of that, some unwanted behaviors can also be prevented. These include:
- The urge to spray urine to mark their territory
- Aggression toward other house cats
- The urge to escape in search of a female mate
Female Siamese cats also live better if they are spayed at around six months of age. As for their male counterparts, spaying female cats has several health and behavioral benefits, such as:
- Reducing the risk of uterine, ovarian, or mammary gland cancers
- Reducing unwanted pregnancies
- Preventing excessive spraying and yowling, especially during her heat cycle
- Preventing wandering to search for a mate
- Reducing irritability, restlessness, and anxiety
Spaying or neutering generally allows your Siamese to live a longer, healthier life. However, if you intend to keep their reproductive organs intact for breeding purposes, it is highly recommended to seek the advice of a veterinarian with regard to proper breeding and the production of healthy offspring.
Which Siamese gender is more affectionate?
Although the males are known to be more affectionate than the females, your cat’s personality traits may still be largely influenced by his or her upbringing. Cats that grow up with other pets and are socialized at an early age can be more cuddly than those who are not well-socialized.
So, if you want your cat to be more affectionate, friendly, and cuddly, try to ensure that he or she grows up in an environment that encourages these personality traits.
Should I get a male or a female Siamese?
Which gender is right for you depends greatly on your personal preferences and lifestyle. If you are working regular nine-to-five office hours or traveling a lot, then a female Siamese might be the right option. Due to their laid-back, independent temperaments, females are mostly fine being alone for some time while their owners are away. Females are also ideal for people who prefer cats that are easier to train and are well-behaved.
Male Siamese cats, on the other hand, can be extremely needy. They want to spend lots of time with their human companions and leaving them alone for more than a couple of hours can cause them anxiety. Also, since males are more energetic and playful, they are more prone to boredom. You might also find them a little goofy and hard to teach. If you are staying home most of the time and do not mind a clingy companion, then a male Siamese could be your ideal pet.
Keep in mind that your cat’s personality might still be influenced by his or her upbringing. The personality traits mentioned above are just a reference. Your cat might be a female but could still be really affectionate and playful. Or, you might adopt a male Siamese who is extremely vocal and easy to train.
Key takeaways
When it comes to owning a Siamese cat, you might be wondering which gender makes a better pet. Honestly, there is no clear answer to this, since your choice will depend on your personal preferences and lifestyle. If you are active and outgoing, then a female Siamese might be the right pet for you. If you are a homebody, then a more affectionate male could be your ideal companion.
Although male and female Siamese cats have several differences, this does not mean that one gender is better than the other. If you are planning to own one, you are sure to fall in love with the breed’s striking beauty and affectionate personality, regardless of the gender.
Image: istockphoto.com / GlobalP