Are you worried that your cat becomes bored and lonely while you are away from home? This is one of the concerns of cat owners who own one cat but cannot be with them all the time due to work or other reasons.
Do cats get lonely without another cat?
Yes, cats do get lonely without another cat, but this usually happens mostly to kittens since they crave playmates. When they get older, the territorial nature of cats starts to kick in. During this time, felines become conscious of their turf and having other cats around may not be an amenable thing as it could instill conflict and aggression.
How to tell if your cat is lonely?
Here are the indicators that your cat is lonely:
1. She is grooming herself excessively.
Cats are fastidious groomers and spend at least 50 % of their waking hours just grooming themselves. However, if your cat is becoming too obsessed and compulsively grooming herself it could be a sign that she is feeling lonely.
2. She is extra chatty.
Some cats are naturally vocal like the Siamese but if your quiet and calm cat becomes too chatty, be aware. Your cat may be lonely and seeking attention if she is doing this.
3. Your cat is having litter box issues.
Has your cat been spraying or eliminating outside her litter box lately? It could be a sign of kidney or urinary tract issues. However, if she is healthy but still doing this, it could mean your cat is trying to tell you that she is lonely and bored.
4. She has become aggressive.
Try to observe your cat as you prepare to leave for work in the morning. Has she suddenly become aggressive and growling at you as you go out the door? If so, your cat may be telling you that she is upset because you are leaving her alone.
5. She has become destructive.
Bored and lonely cats can destroy and move things to find something to do and keep themselves busy. They tend to wreck the cushions of your sofa, damage your curtains and shred the toilet paper.
Observe your cat for any behavioral shifts and if there are changes in her sleeping and eating habits. These may also indicate that your cat is lonely and seeking the companionship of another cat.
Do cats need another cat companion?
It depends. If your cat is happy and contented and does not show signs of loneliness and depression she does not necessarily need another cat companion. Cats have unique personalities and adding another one can cause havoc. Their temperaments may not be compatible and some cats will naturally disregard or dislike each other.
Here are cat breeds that thrive well despite being alone at home:
- Persian – this breed is docile, quiet, sweet, easygoing and affectionate
- Maine Coon – this breed is gentle, sweet-tempered, have dog-like qualities and easily adapts to any environment
- Ocicat – this breed is playful, intelligent, affectionate and sociable
- Russian Blue – these cats are sweet-tempered, loyal and can spend hours entertaining themselves with toys
- Scottish Fold – this breed is sweet, charming and loves attention
- Norwegian Forest Cat – these cats enjoy human companionship, gentle, affectionate and shy when there are strangers
- American Wirehair – this breed is loving, relaxed, laidback and a great family pet
- American Shorthair – these cats are easygoing, sociable and independent
Do cats get sad if you separate them?
Yes, cats get sad if you separate them especially if they are a bonded pair. Felines are capable of forming tight friendships with their fellow cats and it can be hard to separate them. They can suffer depression and other behavior issues. This explains why local animal shelters always try to place cats together especially if they are a bonded pair.
How to tell if cats are bonded with each other?
These are some indicators that cats are bonded with each other:
- rubbing each other’s body
- not hissing and not displaying aggressive behavior toward each other
- sleeping and cuddling together
- cleaning and grooming each other
- playing in a restrained manner and not being destructive
- intertwining their tails
Are cats happier in pairs?
Yes, cats are happier in pairs. While some cat breeds do well being alone in a household, cats are generally happier when they have a cat buddy at home. Cats are sociable creatures and while a single cat is okay, a pair means double the fun. Needless to say, some cats are better off alone and this goes to show that cats are unique and have different personalities.
Advantages of cats in pairs:
1. They are happier.
Cats in pairs are better adjusted and since they eat and play together, share daily activities and find solace in each other, they tend to be happier compared to single cats.
2. They are healthier.
Bonded cats in pairs are healthier since they get more exercise having playmates to interact and play with. They have healthier hearts and less prone to stress, hair loss and other health problems. These cats are also less prone to obesity.
3. They learn from each other.
Cats get to know more about socialization, hunting and playing if they are in pairs. They continually learn life and social skills from each other.
4. They do not get bored.
Having a cat companion allows cats to stay entertained through mental stimulation and social interaction since they have a playmate.
5. Cat owners are happier, too.
Cats in pairs make happier pet owners since they can share cat toys, beds and litter boxes. This is more economical although having two cats also means more food and vet expenses. Having two cats also means fewer chances of destructive behavior especially if they are well-bonded plus double the affection, too.
Final thoughts
Cats can get lonely without another cat and they tend to exhibit overgrooming and aggressive behavior if they are bored and alone. However, some cats do better if they are alone and there are cat breeds that thrive well despite being in a single cat household including the Maine Coon and Persian.
Image: istockphoto.com / FORGEM