Maine Coons make good family pets because they are sociable, affectionate, playful, friendly, and inquisitive. They get along well with kids and other pets but they are not clingy which means they can be left at home for certain hours. They also have an affinity for water and some of them may even have the habit of sitting near the sink.
Do Maine Coons like water?
Yes, Maine Coons do like water and they are not scared of it. They are fascinated and less fearful of it, and will tolerate being wet compared to other cat breeds. These gentle giants like to dip their paws in water and hang out near the sink or even in the shower. They may also drink from the tap and watch you while you’re in the bathtub.
However, this does not mean that these felines will do an extreme thing like swimming and taking a bath once a week. While there may be an occasional Maine Coon that loves to swim and bathe, it does not mean that it applies to the majority of this breed. They do not usually like being bathed just like most cats.
Why do Maine Coons like water?
Here are the probable reasons why Maine Coons like water:
1. Due to their heritage and ancestors.
Maine Coons are said to be descendants of Norwegian forest cats that love to catch fish in the water. The Vikings kept them on their ships to control mice populations. When the ships they were on landed and docked in Maine, USA, these cats were said to have bred and mated with short-haired domestic cats resulting in Maine Coons. One of the reasons why these cats like water may be due in part to their ancestors’ fondness for water.
2. It may be due to their water-repellent fur.
Maine Coons have three layers of fur and two of these layers are undercoat fur. The inner hair is dense and short and water-repelling. Their fur keeps them warm, especially during the cool winter months. Maine, their place of origin, is among the coldest states in the USA. This breed’s thick and dense fur may be one of the reasons why they do not mind getting wet.

3. It may be due to their inquisitiveness.
Maine Coons are popular for being inquisitive and curious. They will inspect anything that piques their interest and this may include the running water in the tap or the bathroom. These felines may be curious about the splashing sounds that water makes as well as its taste.
How do you know if your Maine Coon likes water?
While it is true that Maine Coons will tolerate water more than the other cat breeds, there are also some of these cats that may avoid water. If you want to ascertain if your Maine Coon likes water, try to turn the faucet on if she is near the sink or bathtub and observe her reactions. If she stays put, it may mean she is not wary of being near water. However, if she skitters away, that means she does not want to have anything to do with it.
Similarly, if you want to know if your cat likes to swim, encourage her to come near the bathtub. Next, turn the faucet on and observe your cat’s reaction as the tub fills with water. Try to place cat toys like foam balls in the water and see if your cat goes inside the tub to fetch it. If she does, it means that she likes to swim as well.
Cat breeds that like water
Aside from Maine Coons, some other cat breeds are fascinated with water:
1. Turkish Van
These cats have soft and cashmere-like coats and are playful and energetic. According to legend, these great jumpers were the breed that swam ashore from Noah’s Ark before it landed on Mt. Ararat. These cats love to play in the water and are known as swimming cats.
2. Savannah
These cats were the result of crossbreeding a wild African cat called serval with a domestic cat. They are smart, have long necks, boldly-marked coats, and have large ears. These smart, quiet, and sweet felines like to play in the water.
3. Turkish Angora
These cats are long-haired, medium-sized, and have regal appearances. They are intelligent, originated from Turkey, and like their cousin, the Turkish van breed, these cats are fond of water and love to play in it.

4. Bengal
These large and muscular cats are the result of crossbreeding an Asian leopard cat and a domestic feline. They are active, affectionate, and playful and they love to play and be near the water.
5. American Bobtail
This cat breed has a shaggy coat that comes in short and medium lengths, playful, sweet, and friendly. They are intelligent and can be trained to do tricks, enjoy puzzle toys, and love to play in the water.
6. Japanese Bobtail
These cats are known for their short bunny tails and they adore the water. They dunk their paws in the water bowl, your glass, and even the toilet. They may also be observed jumping into the pool. These felines are easy to train and they make good travel buddies.
7. Abyssinian
These felines are good jumpers and climbers. They are sociable and need lots of interaction. These cats enjoy the water and wouldn’t mind jumping or splashing in water fountains or sinks.
8. Manx
This medium-sized breed is known for its stocky build and heavily-boned structure. They have round heads, round eyes, and little or no tails at all. This sweet and placid breed loves water and likes to dab their paws into it.
9. Norwegian Forest
These large and athletic Viking cats are gentle and friendly but do not demand constant attention. Like their cousin, the Maine Coon, they have water-repellent fur and love to catch fish from lakes and streams.
10. Egyptian Mau
These medium-sized cats are loyal to humans and have pleasant voices. They are active, and smart, and get along well with kids and other pets. They love to play in the water and may even learn how to turn on the faucet.
Final thoughts
Maine Coons make great pets because of their gentle nature. Compared to most cat breeds, they do not mind getting wet and may even tend to sit near the sink or the bathtub. The reasons they adore water may be due to their water-repellent fur, their heritage and because of their natural curiousness. This does not mean though that a majority of this breed will willingly jump into the water to swim or take a bath.
Image: istockphoto.com / Nils Jacobi