You will know if your cat is a Manx by analyzing its physical features and behavior. A Manx cat is usually tailless while some only have stumpy tails. It also has a cradle-shaped head if viewed from the rear side. Manx cats have a playful and affectionate character and they have a distinctive trilling sound or meow.
Ultimately you may check whether your cat is a manx by securing a DNA test and also by obtaining your cat from a reputable cat breeder.
How do you know if your cat is a Manx?
There are various ways for you to identify and know if your cat is a Manx:
1. Check the tail.
The first thing to check so you’ll know if your cat is a Manx is its tail. The Manx breed is said to be the only one that is bred as tail-less. However, there are variations to its taillessness. Manx cats that have no tails and instead only have a dimple at the base of the spine are called “rumpies” Those that only have stubby tails with only one to 3 bones are called “rumpy raisers” while “stumpies” have a short tail that is short or kinked.
There are also Manx cats that have regular tails like other cats and they are called “longies” although breeders usually cut the tail off of longies. Surprisingly, the breed’s lack of tail does not affect its sense of balance.
2. Check its build.
You’ll know that your cat is a Manx by its physique and build. This cat breed is muscular and has a stout but compact body. It has a wide chest and varies from medium to large when it comes to size. Males are often larger than females. They have round torsos and their hind legs are longer than the front legs and they are powerful jumpers
3. See if the head is cradle shaped.
Manx cats have a broad face and the head appears to be cradle-shaped if viewed from behind. Their ears are round and broad-based which taper to a rounded tip.
4. Touch the cat’s coat.
This breed has two varieties of coats, the short-haired and the long-haired. Short-haired Manx cats have a long overcoat and a dense, fluffy undercoat. However, the overcoat is coarse even though it looks fluffy. This breed sheds in the spring and fall and if you notice that their fur feels thin it means that they are going through the shedding process. Meanwhile, long-haired Manx cats have silky coats of medium length with tufts of fur between the toes and around the ears.
5. Check if it has large eyes.
Rumpy or Manx cats are known for their large and round eyes. Eye colors of this breed may be green, hazel, blue, copper, or gold. Some Manx cats may be odd-eyed which means each eye has a different color. The outer corners of their eyes point slightly toward the ears and the lower corners will angle down and inward slightly toward the nose.
6. Assess your cat’s color.
The Manx breed’s common colors include blue, black, white, cream, red, silver, blue-cream, tortoiseshell, and brown. Its patterns include calico/tricolor, solid color, tortoiseshell, tabby, bicolor, smoke, and shaded. However, Manx cats do not come in lavender, chocolate, or pointed varieties and also do not come in any of these colors.
7. Determine the weight of your cat.
Make sure to weigh your cat and so you’ll know if it falls within the breed average when it comes to weight. Male Manx cats weigh from 10 to 12 pounds while females weigh from 8 to 10 pounds.
8. Check if it has a trilling meow.
Manx cats have a unique trilling meow or sound. Trilling is a high-pitched and chirp-like noise made by cats as a greeting to people or other cats and it is associated with a positive vibe, according to Dr. Sasha Gibbons of Just Cats Veterinary Hospital in Stamford, Connecticut. Manx cats may not be as vocal as the Siamese cat breed but they have this distinctive trilling sound that makes them stand out.
9. Try to observe its demeanor and personality.
The Manx breed is sociable by nature and very attached to humans. They are highly intelligent, playful, and have a dog-like demeanor. They can be trained to play fetch and carry toys around. Most of all, they are affectionate, especially to children.
Other amusing behavior traits of Manx cats include the following:
- they love chasing feather wands on the floor instead of swatting and leaping at it
- they like to participate in their human’s activities like vocalizing when you’re talking to someone over the phone and trying to type in your computer keyboard
- they welcome the company of other dogs and cats
- they are easygoing and even-tempered
- they are interested in learning tricks and commands
10. Check the cat’s health and its common health concerns.
Manx cats are generally healthy but they are also prone to health issues like the Manx syndrome. This health condition happens when the tailless gene shortens the spine too much. Manx cats afflicted with the condition suffer from spinal abnormalities that may also affect the nervous system. Some common symptoms may include incontinence, partial paralysis of hind legs, deformity of the spine, and constipation. Consult your vet right away if you observe these symptoms on your cat.
11. Get a DNA test.
If you are still in doubt if your cat is a Manx, even after going through the above steps, then the next best thing you can do is to secure a DNA test. Your vet or a qualified medical technician will have to obtain a sample of your cat’s DNA. This is done by swabbing the inside of your cat’s cheek or by getting some of its furs. Based on the samples, the cat’s genome will be matched to a known Manx cat to check if there are similarities.
12. Make sure to obtain your cat only from a reputable cat breeder.
One sure way to know if your cat is a Manx is by getting your cat only from a reputable cat breeder. This way you can obtain an official certification to confirm if your cat is a Manx. Seek the advice of your vet or the International Cat Association in identifying reputable cat breeders in your locality.
Final thoughts
Manx cats generally make good pets because they are affectionate, sociable, and very smart. But, how do you know if your kitty is a genuine Manx? You can check it by assessing its physical features and behavioral clues. This breed is usually tailless or only have stubby tails. It also has a round and muscular build, with a round torso, and long hind legs. Finally, you can confirm if your cat is a Manx by securing a DNA test and making sure that you only get your cat from a reputable cat breeder.