Cats are playful and affectionate animals that display numerous quirks and antics. While mostly pleasant to be around, they may sometimes misbehave, pee in the house, or hiss at you. While these are unacceptable behaviors, you need to understand what triggered them in the first place before you react negatively toward your cat.
How to punish a cat for hissing
Avoid hitting your cat.
It is a bad idea to hit your cat, even gently. Your cat has no idea why you are hitting her; she does not understand that you are doing it because she hissed at you. By hitting her, you are only teaching her to avoid and dislike you.
Hitting your cat is a bad way to teach her not to be aggressive toward you. If you hit her, she will likely just hiss back at you. She may also try to attack you in self defense.
Refrain from making loud noises.
Loud noises, such as shouting, clapping, or clanging pots and pans, can scare your cat and may stop her doing whatever she was doing. Surprising or startling her in this way might stop her behavior in this instance, but she will not associate the noise with “bad” behaviour and will probably repeat the behavior another time.
The disadvantages of making loud noises:
- Your cat becomes frightened and will start to distrust and fear you.
- Your cat will become desensitized if you do it often.
- If you have other cats, they will also react the same way.
- It is disturbing and inconvenient for everyone if you do it at night.
This approach is only suitable if your cat’s behavior is endangering properties or lives. However, if the behavior is something that your cat is accustomed to doing, this is not the right long-term solution.
Do not discipline your cat by using a spray bottle.
Spraying your cat with a water bottle may work since it distracts your cat from hissing and other negative behaviors. Cats dislike being soaked with water so they will stop what they are doing and stay away. However, it is very unpleasant for them and they may learn to dislike and fear you. Consider this step only in extreme cases when a cat endangers her health or that of other people.
If you punish a cat for hissing at you she may avoid you altogether. It is never a good idea to punish a cat for such behavior. Hissing is natural among cats to communicate fear or anger. Instead of punishing your cat, get to know what made her hiss in the first place.
Try to correct the problem without resorting to any type of punishment. Cats typically do not hiss at their owners. Avoid petting your cat if she wants to be left alone, unless there is an underlying medical issue. Create a positive relationship with your cat by spending time with her, on her terms.
Give her treats and avoid reacting to any aggressive outbursts. Show her that you are not threatening her. Eventually, your cat will learn to trust you and should stop hissing at you.
What to do when your cat hisses
- Give her some space and do not try to hold or comfort her.
- Let your cat hide to feel secure.
- Do not stare at her.
- Give her ample time. It could take a few minutes to a few hours for a cat to calm down.
- Once your cat is calm, coax her with food or catnip. Avoid staring her in the eyes. Approach from the side, as you appear less threatening that way.
Reasons cats hiss
- To caution a person or animal to back off.
- When they are in pain.
- Due to unfamiliarity.
- When they are playing rough.
Cats tend to misbehave at times, and they may act aggressively toward us. This may include peeing around the house or making unpleasant sounds and hissing. Hissing is your cat’s way of communicating that she is frightened or threatened. Instead of punishing this natural behaviour, try to understand what caused it.
Image: istockphoto.com / premat