Mini Maine Coon

Mini Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is a big cat with a big personality to match its size. But is there a mini Maine Coon, the same looks and personality, albeit in a smaller size.

Truth be told, Maine Coons are large cats. That is why they have earned the distinction of being the largest cat breed. In short, there is no miniature version of this breed.

Mini Maine Coon

A mature male Maine Coon can weigh anywhere between 11 to 18 pounds. Females, on the other hand, can weigh between eight to 12 pounds.

In terms of height, Maine Coons can grow between 10 to 16 inches. They can grow as long as 38 inches, including their tails.

As you can see, Maine Coons are large cats. Even the smallest of the breed can be a bit larger than other domestic cats. 

If you have seen what may seem like a mini Maine Coon, it is possible that the cat is not yet fully matured, is a mixed breed, or is suffering from a particular condition.

Why your Maine Coon is small

Not all Maine Coons grow to be giants. Many grow to be averaged sized and do not breach the higher extremes of the breed in terms of size and weight. If your Coon seems to be small compared to other cats of the same breed, there are a few possible reasons that you should look into.

1. Your Maine Coon is not yet an adult

One reason why your Maine Coon is still on the smaller side is that it has not yet reached maturity.

Maine Coon kittens are often as large as the kittens of other breeds. Young Maine Coons may seem larger than other kittens because of their fluffy furs.

While other domestic cats reach maturity at an early rate, Maine Coons can take anywhere between three to five years to be considered adults. 

If your Maine Coon has not yet reached three years of age, he is still small because he is still young and has not yet reached full maturity.

While there is no real way to predict how big your feline will grow, the size of his parents will give you a clear picture of his potential size as an adult cat.

2. Your Maine Coon is a mixed breed

Another possible reason why your Maine Coon is on the smaller side is that he is not a pure breed.

If you are sure that your Maine Coon is already an adult and is otherwise healthy, then it is highly likely that your cat is small because he is a hybrid.

Even Maine Coons on the smaller end of the spectrum do not weigh below eight pounds. Mixed Coons can weigh below that number.

If you adopted your cat from a shelter or if you bought him from a backyard breeder with no papers, there is no real way to validate the purity of your cat’s breed.

At first glance, he looks like a normal Coon because he has a purebred mother or father. But his small size can be attributed to the fact that one of his parents comes from a smaller breed.

Unless you want to spend money on DNA testing, there is no real way to determine if your Maine Coon is a purebred.

Mixed breeds can have the same coats and patterns, the same large eyes, and even the same personality. 

Apart from the large size, some experts say that purebred Coons have distinct ruffs of hair on their necks. Maine Coons use these to shield away from the cold.

3.Your Maine Coon is underfed

Another reason why an adult Maine Coon is undersized is that it is not getting the vital nutrients it needs.

Ideally, your cat’s food should consist of over 50 percent proteins, roughly 25 percent fats, and the rest should be carbohydrates.

This ratio fulfills your cat’s dietary needs as an obligate carnivore.

Proteins are essential for growth and development while fats are necessary for both energy and the release of vitamins and minerals from the food your cat consumes. Felines do not need as many carbs as other animals.

Apart from these macronutrients, cats also need other nutrients. These include vitamins A and D, arginine, arachidonic acid, and taurine.

As with most things, you get what you pay for. It may be tempting to buy cheap cat food for your pet. However, you can end up spending more with low-quality food. If you must splurge on one and only one thing for your pet, make it his cat food.

Take note that you must buy food specially formulated for felines. Human and dog foods are not ideal for Maine Coons and other breeds because of the differences in dietary needs. 

Furthermore, remember that cats are obligate carnivores. They may eat some types of fruits and veggies. However, these should not be his diet staples.

4. Your Maine Coon is undereating

On average, a Maine Coon should consume approximately 290 calories daily. However, that value is a rough estimate and can go up or down depending on factors like age, activity level, and overall health.

Your cat may be too small compared to other Coons because he is not eating enough.

Fortunately, there are a few strategies you can use to coax your Maine Coon to eat more.

If you have been feeding your pet once or twice daily, you might want to consider free-feeding. In free-feeding, your cat has access to food any time he wants to eat. Typically, dry food is served for free-feeding because it stays fresh longer.

On the other hand, if you have been feeding your pet exclusively with dry food, consider switching to wet food. Your cat may welcome the change and eat more.

Sometimes, it is not the actual food that is causing your cat to under eat. Look at his immediate environment. Perhaps, you are feeding him in a noisy environment where he can be easily startled. Or maybe his litter box is placed close to his food bowl. Cats will barely touch food that is placed in a small bowl.

In short, consider your cat’s comfort during mealtimes.

5. Your Maine Coon might be sick

If your Maine Coon is small because of weight loss, it is possible that your pet is sick. Symptoms like lethargy, vomiting, coughing, and frequent urination are signs associated with various diseases, including diabetes and kidney disease.

Maine Coons are also susceptible to the condition known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a condition where the muscles of the heart thicken abnormally.

Cats suffering from dental and digestive issues may also eat less than they ought to.

If you suspect that your Maine Coon is suffering from a disease, do not hesitate to bring him to the vet for confirmation.

A Maine Coon might not be right for you

Maine Coons are sometimes called the dogs of the cat world. Apart from their size, they are like dogs because of their affection and loyalty to their humans. And just like dogs, they should be provided with plenty of opportunities for play.

Understandably, some people like to get a Maine Coon based solely on the breed’s look but in a smaller package. But unfortunately, mini Maine Coons do not exist.

As such, you might consider looking at smaller but equally playful and affectionate cat breeds like the Birman, Burmese, Cornish Rex, and the Devon Rex.

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