Cats use a variety of signals from body language to vocalization to communicate. In addition, cats use pheromones by transferring them to objects, people, other pets, or their surroundings to mark them as safe, important parts of their world and to warn of potential dangers.
Sometimes, these markings become less and less ‘cute’ when they involve scratching your favorite sofa, urinating on the walls, messing up your beloved area rug and so on. In order to stop negative behaviors experts have come up with synthetic products that mimic the exact natural pheromones of cats.
If you only want to use natural products for your cat, these synthetic ones can make you uneasy despite positive reviews that these products receive. There are a lot of advantages to using them including controlling their behavior and reducing aggression, fear and anxiety. They can make cats more calm and secure and eliminate the need for markings.
What are cat pheromones
Pheromones are species-specific chemicals which are naturally produced from the scent glands on the faces, chin, lower ears, forehead, cheeks and around the mouth of a cat. There are also scent glands located in their paw pads, around nipples for female cats and in their urine. If she has a favorite place that she likes to scratch or a best friend from the neighborhood, that is like due to the effect of Pheromones.
Cats transfer or share their pheromone message in the following ways:
- They rub their head on objects around the house
- Head bumping with you or other cats
- Rubbing and rolling their bodies on objects or surfaces
- Scratching and clawing at objects
- Marking areas with their urine
The first three can be considered cute while the last two are destructive behaviors which you may want to eliminate.
Pheromone products come in different forms including as diffusers, sprays, wipes and collars. They are drug free and safe to use at home.
Is Feliway safe for cats
Feliway is makes synthetic pheromones that mimic ones that cats produce and use to send messages to other cats. It can help with undesirable in-home behaviors that are caused by stress. In general. Feliway products are considered safe since they are just the synthetic version of the natural pheromones produced by cats.
Synthetic pheromones are used on the surroundings of your cat such as her favorite rooms and spots. They should not be eaten or licked by your cat as this could be hazardous for their health. Feliway sprays are meant to be applied on specific locations such as in areas where the cat is marking. Do not spray if your cat is nearby, let the spray dry before letting your cat in.
The paraffin-based mineral oils that are used for the refills for Feliway diffusers are intended to be dispersed through air to whole rooms or areas.
Is Feliway safe for humans
Pheromones are species specific, so they do not affect people or other types of pets in the household. But it could be harmful if accidentally ingested. Some people who are sensitive to paraffin, they may find that a Feliway diffuser causes headaches or allergic reactions.
Though the Feliway itself does not have effects on humans, the form and usage may be a different story. Feliway products that come in the form of plug-in diffuser may cause trouble if not handled properly. Feliway sprays that contain alcohol are not safe if inhaled directly by humans. As long as you are careful and follow the instruction, you are should be safe.