Whether you are fed up with the excessive shedding or scared that your cat might overheat due to hot weather, you need to groom your cat every once in a while. Shaving has its pros and cons but in general it is important especially for long haired breeds as hairball prevention and due to matt build-up.
Can you use a human clipper to groom her? Read below to find the answer!
Can you shave a cat using human clippers
It is essential to have the right tools if you choose to shave your cat at home. While it might be tempting to just use the same clippers you have for human hair, buying clippers specially designed for cat’s has its benefits.
A good cat clipper stays cool while effectively trimming all coat types, does not make a lot of noise, and is built to last for a long time.
So, can you shave your cat using human clippers? The answer is YES, but it is not preferable. Remember that not all human clippers may work for any cat. Some human clippers get stuck and become hot.
How to choose the right tool for shaving a cat
There are various clippers with different brands available and it may be difficult to choose which one will suit your cat. Read these tips below to help you decide which clipper would suit you and your cat:
1. Determine the duty rating of a clipper
Choose the right duty rating according to your cat breed. A clipper with light duty rating can be good for touch-ups and light bod grooming and suitable for short-haired cats. For medium to long coats, a clipper with heavy duty rating is recommended.
2. Know the types of motors used in clippers
It is important to know what type of motors used in a clipper as it can affect its performance, noise, and vibrations.
Universal Rotary Motor
Strongest motor yet loud and heavy. It also tends to become hot easily so you may need a fan for it to stay cool.
Pivot and Magnet Motor
Less noisy and lighter but also slightly less powerful. Best suited for light to medium coats.
Permanent magnet motor
This type of motor has a fixed gearing system which means less vibrations and less noise.
3. Choosing the blade size
The popular blade size of a cat clipper is 10 and it trims your cat’s hair to 1/16 of an inch, you can imagine the same length as a US soldier’s induction haircut. This size is long enough to avoid cutting her and short enough to remove mats.
If you want to style your cat with different looks, you may need a variety of blades and guard combs. Having several combs will allow you to trim to the desired length.
4. Choose between ceramic and metal blade
A cat clipper with ceramic blade is ideal because it does not conduct heat well unlike metal blade. Ceramic blades can be expensive but they have greater longevity.
5. Decide between corded and cordless clipper
Corded clippers will function as long as it is plugged in and connected to the power source. The disadvantage of using this is the length of the cord limits your mobility and you may also find it irritating when the cord keeps draping on your cat’s body which she may likely play with.
Cordless clipper provides mobility and comfort, but it runs out of battery and needs to be charged once every 60-90 mins. Many of the cordless ones are weaker than the corded clipper.
How to shave a cat with clippers
Now that you have bought the right tools, it is time to shave your cat by following the proper steps to make the process as easy as possible. Having another person assisting you while clipping her fur can be helpfull.
1. Prepare the grooming area
Before anything else, make sure that you have prepared the grooming area with towels spread out. Cover yourself especially your arms with a towel or anything in case your cat tries to scratch you.
2. Clip her nails
Give her nails a quick trim to prevent severe scratches in case she gets frightened while clipping her fur. It is also best to invest on nail clippers as it can save you money from paying the groomer or vet to do it for you.
3. Trim and brush fur first
For long-haired breeds, it is advisable to trim the fur first using scissors. Brushing would also help untangle any mats that may obstruct the way. Doing this will help reduce the time, avoid overheating, and prevent blades from getting dull.
4. Introduce the clippers to her
Run the clippers near them before the actual session so she can be acquainted to the sound for an easy clipping session. This step is very important, especially if you have an anxious cat or one that is easily spooked. Regardless, you definitely don’t want to just go in with no warning whatsoever because that can scare her.
5. Pull the skin taut
Once she is acquainted with the sound of the clipper, it is time to work with the clipper. Stretch her skin to avoid any nicks or cuts. You can ask the other person to do this task so you can focus on clipping.
Final Thoughts
Even though some human clippers may work reasonably well depending on the circumstances, it is still be better to use clippers that are made for cats. Also, it is best to avoid sharing clippers with your pets for hygienic purposes.