Persian cats are loved the world over for their cute, stubby faces, fluffy coats, and affectionate natures. But these cats are not for everyone! As you might know, owning a Persian kitty is not cheap. This breed of cat is one of the most expensive, and there are a few good reasons they are so sought after by cat fanciers.
So, why are Persian cats so expensive? Hopefully, through this article, you will find some enlightenment about why these precious kitties come with such a high price tag!
Why are Persian cats so special?
Persian cats are undeniably one of the most beautiful breeds in the world. With chubby cheeks, long and silky-soft coats, and lovely personality traits, these stunning felines can quickly capture almost anyone’s heart. They can even make perfect lap cats, as they are perfectly happy just cuddling and lounging while you read your favorite book.
History reveals that Persian cats are one of the oldest pedigreed breeds in the world. Originating from Persia, which is modern-day Iran, this Middle-Eastern cat was taken abroad by European explorers around the seventeenth century. Since then, the breed has been a favorite of historical figures including Florence Nightingale and Queen Victoria. Fast-forward to present times, and Persian cats have also made several appearances in famous Hollywood movies.
Their exquisite traits, high demand, and rarity are some of the reasons Persian cats are considered a special breed. One can so easily fall in love with their luxurious coats, brilliant eyes, and sweet demeanor, which keeps the Persian cat a top favorite year after year.
Why are Persian cats so expensive?
Those long silky coats and hypnotic eyes do come at a cost! Persian cats are considered to be one of the most expensive breeds in the world, and there are several valid reasons why these beautiful felines are not cheap.
1. Genetic history
If you are planning to purchase a purebred Persian cat, then a kitten that comes with proof of its parentage will likely cost you more than a cat whose lineage is unknown. Usually, these kittens can only be bought from reputable breeders whose purebred cats have entered and won cat shows.
2. Age and gender
The younger the cat, the higher the price will be. That is why, if you purchase a Persian kitten, you will need to prepare your pocket for a bit of a shock.
The gender of the cat matters, too. In general, female Persians are more expensive than males since they are capable of producing a litter. In return for the extra cost, the kittens of the mother Persian cat can be sold at a premium price. However, if the cat is spayed or neutered, you will likely pay a lower price.
So, overall, an unspayed female Persian kitten will generally come with a higher price tag than her male counterpart.
3. Geographic location
The cost of your Persian kitten can also vary depending on where you live. Persians can be in higher demand in certain cities and, hence, will be more expensive in those areas.
However, other cities or rural areas might not see such a demand for the breed, so if you happen to live in one of these areas, you might find a Persian kitten less expensive – even if they are of the same lineage, gender, or age.
4. Fur color
If you are picky when it comes to the color of your kitten, then be prepared to shed a few extra dollars if you prefer the solid colors like brown or black. However, if you want your feline to stand out from the classic-colored Persians, you can choose a kitten with a fun tabby pattern or other coat patterns. The latter can save you a few bucks, as they are generally cheaper than solid-colored cats.
5. Face type
Most of us see a typical Persian cat as having a round face with a short muzzle. But did you know that purebred Persians can actually have two face types?
The first type is a doll-faced Persian. Its most prominent features include bigger ears, a round-shaped face, and a longer muzzle. The second type is the punch-faced Persian, and its appearance is quite the opposite of the doll-faced cat. Its nose and ears are smaller, its bright eyes are larger, and its cheeks are chubby.
When it comes to the price, Persian cats with flat faces are generally more desirable and often showcased at cat shows. As such, punch-faced cats are commonly sold at a higher price than doll-faced cats.
6. Breeder
The more reputable the breeder, the higher the price of the kitten will be. Top breeders with verified documentation to prove the cat’s lineage and proven success of their litters can charge a premium price. At the end of the day, though, the extra expense is worth it as you are guaranteed a healthy, purebred kitten.
If, on the other hand, you choose to buy your kitten at a lower cost from an unverified breeder, there is no guarantee that it will be purebred or will not suffer from genetic diseases.
Overall, it is highly recommended to get your Persian kitten from a reputable breeder. This will guarantee that both the cat’s parents are healthy and have undergone proper testing. While this might mean paying a higher price, in exchange you will have a better chance of getting a healthy, purebred kitten that will be your companion for life.
How much does a Persian cat cost?
Now that you have some idea as to why Persian kittens are very expensive, you might be wondering how much they actually cost.
If you are looking for a purebred Persian, be prepared to shell out anywhere between 1500 and 3000 dollars. Remember that the price can be influenced by factors such as the breeder, the cat’s heritage, age and gender, the face type of the cat, and the color of the fur. White Persians are more highly coveted than most of the fur color variations and, as such, you might find them the most expensive.
Costs incurred by Persian breeders
As the old saying goes, you get what you pay for. Top breeders usually invest a lot of time and money to ensure that their cats and kittens are in the best shape and retain the best traits.
Here are some of the lesser-known reasons that reputable breeders sell their Persian kittens at a higher price:
- Breeders that do not have their own studs might need to invest additional money for the stud fees.
- Reputable breeders put their cats through genetic testing to ensure a healthy lineage. This will also reduce the risk of genetically-acquired diseases that are common among brachycephalic breeds, including dental and eye diseases, brachycephalic airway syndrome (BAS), and respiratory infections.
- Yearly vaccinations, preventative care, and treatments to keep the queen healthy.
- High-quality food and supplements for the mother cat and her litter.
- Veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and microchip costs for the kittens.
- Registration fees for the breed.
- Fees for spaying or neutering the kittens.
- Time and effort spent on breeding and caring for the cats and their litters.
Additional costs of owning a Persian cat
So you have finally decided to purchase a purebred Persian kitten. But this is just the initial cost. As a responsible fur parent, you will have to be prepared for future expenses, too, to ensure your cat will live a healthy and happy life. Some of these expenses include:
1. Regular veterinary check-ups
Routine check-ups should be part of your cat’s preventative treatments. Sometimes, however, illness or injury can be unpredictable and might further increase your vet bills. Most cat parents usually spend about 300 to 1000 dollars (or even higher) per year for their cats’ veterinary check-ups and treatments. So, before getting a kitten, make sure that you are prepared for these commitments.
2. Food
Just like humans, cats need proper nourishment too. This means you will need to budget for high-quality food for your fur baby. Depending on the brand or the type of home-cooked food you prepare, most cat parents generally spend between 200 to 600 dollars annually on cat food.
3. Grooming needs
Grooming and maintaining your cat’s luxuriant coat will be part of your lifelong commitment to owning a Persian cat. Grooming is a must to prevent unwanted mats, tangles, and hairballs.
Aside from regular brushing and occasional bathing at home, you will also need to prepare a monthly budget for professional grooming services. Of course, you can groom your feline if you can do it on your own, but this will entail some skills and time.
4. Toys and accessories
Just like a human toddler, Persian cats need some enrichment in their environment to keep them happy and healthy. That means purchasing toys and accessories which will also eat into your monthly paycheck.
For example, you may want to invest in a cat bed, cat litter, cat shampoo, cat collar, scratching posts, interactive toys, food and water bowls, a cat tree, a cat carrier, and many others.
Are Persian cats worth it?
Persian cats can live up to 15 years or more, so you need to be prepared for a commitment of this duration to ensure your cat lives a good quality life. If you can afford the expenses and commitment, there is no reason you should not get a Persian. Their elegance, fluffiness, and sweet demeanor are worth the price if you have the money. And, most importantly, you will have a furry best friend you can cherish for life. Who would not want that?
In this article, we have discussed why Persian cats are very expensive. Hopefully, you will consider all these factors carefully before deciding to purchase a Persian kitten. If you can afford the price and the commitment, then having this beautiful fur-ball by your side is definitely worth all the cost and responsibility.
However, if you just wanted a Persian cat because of the adorable Instagram photo you saw online, then think again! Too many cats end up being given away to other people or left at cat shelters because the owner later realized how tough the commitment can be.
Hopefully, you have taken on board the responsibilities involved, and will ensure that you are properly prepared before bringing home a Persian – or any – kitten!
Image: istockphoto.com / GlobalP