Cats are picky eaters that tend to prefer protein over other food groups. Many are unwilling to try new foods or different tastes, and their preferred food also varies from one cat to another. Certain foods, like bananas, are disliked by most cats, although not all of them.
Why do cats hate bananas?
Cats hate bananas because of the smell of the fruit’s outer skin. Banana peels contain chemicals like ethyl acetate, which cats find repulsive. It is toxic to cats and they avoid the smell if they detect it, prompting some cat owners to rub banana peels in areas where they do not want their cats to go.
Ethyl acetate, an organic compound, is a colorless liquid that smells like nail polish or glue. Long-term exposure could make you dizzy and lightheaded, and it can also affect the kidneys and liver.
Cats may also hate bananas because they are unfamiliar with their form and texture. They are generally suspicious and afraid of food and objects that are foreign to them. You could try to familiarize your cat with bananas, but take extra care if it eats them.
Do cats hate cucumbers and citrus?
Experts agree that cats hate cucumbers – not because they are afraid of them, but because cucumbers remind them of snakes. According to cat behaviorist Con Slobodchikoff, cats are genetically hardwired to avoid snakes. A cat’s instinctive fear of snakes kicks in when it sees a cucumber, due to the similar shape. However, this may vary from one cat to another as some of them have become accustomed to cucumbers during kittenhood.
One way to try to help cats get used to cucumbers is to buy your pets plush toys that resemble cucumbers; this will help the cat realize that it is a safe object.
Cats also hate citrus fruits and any citrusy smell because it is so highly aromatic. Felines have a superior sense of smell, 14 times better than that of humans, so what smells good for people could prove too much for cats. Since they find the smell of citrus so strong, they will also tend to avoid eating it. A citrus scent is commonly used in cleaning products and fragrances, so cats also tend to dislike and avoid these products.
Foods that are toxic to cats
Onions and garlic
These vegetables are members of the allium family and may be toxic to cats as they could cause anemia. They can damage a cat’s red blood cells and may cause vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
Dairy products like milk and cheese
Most cats are lactose-intolerant and dairy products can upset their stomachs. Cheese and milk could cause vomiting and diarrhea, so these foods should be kept away from your cat.
Raw eggs, fish and meat
Raw food contains bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella that could cause vomiting and diarrhea in cats. Raw egg whites contain avidin, a protein that could prevent cats from absorbing biotin, and this could lead to skin conditions and dull coats.
Theobromine and caffeine, two main ingredients of chocolate, are toxic to cats. Milk and dark chocolate variants alike could cause symptoms like vomiting, rapid heart rate, diarrhea, increased body temperature and seizures. If a cat has ingested too much chocolate, it could result in coma or heart failure.
Bread and yeast
Yeast and raw bread dough could harm your cat, as it could rise in the cat’s stomach resulting in digestive issues. These foods also have no nutritional value for cats.
Dog food
This could cause malnutrition in cats since it may not contain the essential nutrients required by felines such as taurine, Vitamin A and arachidonic acid. If cats eat dog food they may be at risk of developing muscle degeneration and night blindness due to Vitamin A deficiency. A lack of taurine in a cat’s diet could cause heart disease, lethargy and vision degradation, and arachidonic acid deficiency could lead to liver and kidney problems.
Cats tend to be picky eaters and they prefer protein-based food over other kinds. Since they have a superior sense of smell, they can often detect foods that could be detrimental to them. Cats hate bananas because the peels contain ethyl acetate, a chemical compound toxic to felines. They also tend to avoid bananas because they are generally unfamiliar with their form and texture.
Image: istockphoto.com / annadarzy