People may hate cats for the following reasons:
They are allergic to cats.
Some people have an aversion to cats because they are allergic. Even although they do not necessarily hate them they abhor the way that cat dander brings out allergy symptoms. The culprit of these allergic reactions is the Fel d 1 protein which is produced in the saliva and sebaceous glands of felines. Some people believe that a cat’s hair is what triggered an allergy but in truth, it is the proteins secreted by the cat’s skin.
Cat allergy symptoms:
- An asthmatic reaction.
- The presence of hives or rash.
- Spastic coughing and sneezing.
- Itchy and watery eyes as well as nose and throat.
The onset of symptoms could start from a minute to a few hours after exposure.
Cats kill birds.
Some people hate cats because they kill birds. Cats are predators and birds are among their favorite prey. In many places feral cats are considered as one of the factors why the bird population starts to wane.
Some groups like the Alley Cat Rescue have protocols to monitor and support feral cats including neutering or spaying them and releasing them back to their colonies. The group also feeds the cats so they won’t have the predatory urge to kill the birds for food.
Cats scratch and bite.
Felines communicate best vocally and physically and often through outstretched claws and by hissing and showing their teeth. Aggressive scratching and biting behavior is learned way back when still kittens. People who hate cats may have suffered a scratch or bite from a cat in their childhood and these bad experiences shaped their perception of felines.
Cats are unpredictable.
Some people hate cats because they tend to be aloof and fickle towards their housemates and owners. Cats often hiss or swat at you if they feel frightened or uncomfortable. Compared to dogs which are known to be social, active and responsive, cats tend to be unappreciative and unresponsive.
This may stem from the fact that both animals evolved differently. Dogs used to family packs and they worked as a team while wild cats were lone hunters and predators. Cats on the other hand have an independent nature.
Needless to say, cats can form a close bond with humans if they are socialized as kittens. They tend to become difficult and stand-offish if there is a new pet or person in the household. However, with proper training and given time to learn, cats will eventually adjust to a new person or pet.
Cat litter is disgusting.
Some people also hate cats because their poop stinks and especially their urine smells awful. But it is usually the cat owners that are to blame for the smelly litter and not the cat itself. Interestingly, cats also hate a foul-smelling litter box.
Some people also claim that they find cats creepy especially when they stare when you are in the bathroom. Others also say that, unlike dogs, cats do not come to them when they call them. This just goes to show that cats have unique personalities and unlike dogs, cats will come to you on their terms.
Cats, like most animals, have unique personalities and instinctive nature. Some people hate them because they seem aloof and unfriendly. Other people hate cats because they are allergic to them and because they have bad experiences with cats as young children.
Image: / wolfhound911