Will Apple Cider Vinegar Kill Worms In Cats

Will Apple Cider Vinegar Kill Worms In Cats

Yes, apple cider vinegar may kill worms in cats. Unlike other types of vinegar, apple cider vinegar or ACV increases alkaline levels in a cat’s intestines. Just mix one to two teaspoons of ACV in a glass of lukewarm water and feed this to your kitty regularly for at least one week. 

However, the effectiveness of this method is still highly debated as some cat experts are of the opinion that there is no reliable evidence that apple cider vinegar can effectively eliminate worms in cats. Thus, it’s still best to consult your vet for the proper deworming treatments. 

Will apple cider vinegar kill worms in cats?

Has your cat been showing abnormal behavior lately? If your cat is vomiting, has diarrhea or constipation, losing or has no weight gain despite being a voracious eater then she may have worms. One way to kill and eradicate worms in cats is with the use of apple cider vinegar. 

Apple cider vinegar or fermented apple juice, has many health benefits. It is produced by crushing apples, squeezing the juice, and adding yeast and bacteria to convert sugars to alcohol and then converted to vinegar by acetic acid-forming bacteria. 

While there is no clear clinical evidence of its medicinal and nutritional values, apple cider vinegar has been making raves for its so-called health benefits for cats. Some cat experts agree that it can kill worms by simply feeding your pet feline with lukewarm water mixed with one to two teaspoons of ACV for at least one week.  The alkaline level of your cat’s intestines increases because of the ACV which makes it inhospitable for worms and other internal parasites. You may also try this procedure using ACV and garlic to kill worms in your pet cat:

  • You cat should undergo fasting for one night 
  • Mix 2 drops of ACV in your cat’s drinking water during the fasting period 
  •  Mix garlic powder to your cat’s morning and evening meals 
  • Continue with the process for at least 2 to 3 weeks 

The other benefits of apple cider vinegar for cats

Aside from eradicating worms in cats, apple cider vinegar has other benefits for your cat’s health and wellbeing. 

These are some of ACV’s other benefits for cats: 

1. It is used to treat urinary tract disease. 

ACV helps reduce the symptoms of your cat’s urinary tract infection by feeding your cat with canned food mixed with ½  teaspoon of ACV along with 1 teaspoon of chicken broth. It will hopefully ease the infection after a few days. However, it’s best to consult your veterinarian should there be no improvement in your cat’s condition.   

2. It acts as a laxative.

ACV may be used as a laxative for your cats due to the high concentration of acids. But it should be used with caution as too much may cause chronic diarrhea and dehydration. 

3. It treats respiratory infections. 

ACV is also known to treat infections in the respiratory system of your cat but be sure to use only the right amount. 

4. It helps ease allergies and asthma.

ACV is also helpful in easing your cat’s allergies and asthma. If taken internally, ACV should be mixed with 1 teaspoon of chicken broth before adding to your cat’s wet food. You can also mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of ACV to your cat’s drinking water. 

5. It treats fleas and skin infections. 

ACV may also be used to treat broken skin, mange, fleas, ringworms, and other skin infections.  All you have to do is dab some ACV on the affected area at least a few times each day and do it for about a week.  ACV changes your skin’s pH balance and it will inhibit the growth of fungus.  After bathing your cat, you can also use diluted ACV to rinse her. 

Apple cider vinegar may also be used to clean your cat’s ears. Simply mix warm water with ACV, dunk a paper towel in the mixture and squeeze out the liquid to your cat’s ear.  Repeat the process until both ears are thoroughly cleaned. 

When is apple cider vinegar bad for cats? 

Apple cider vinegar becomes bad for cats if it’s given in an undiluted manner. ACV should only be used in small amounts and always dilute it when mixing it with water or broth, both for internal or external usage.  Using an undiluted ACV can result in health risks.  ACV is also off-limits for cats with kidney problems because it’s too acidic for them. 

Does apple cider vinegar have any nutritional benefits for cats?

Unfortunately,  apple cider vinegar does not offer any nutritional advantages for cats.  While it does contain potassium and magnesium, the quantities are too low and it takes a huge consumption of ACV to have a considerable effect. However, it’s not recommended for cats to ingest ACV in large amounts because it’s too acidic.

Is apple cider vinegar good for cats?

There is not a lot of data on the health claims of apple cider vinegar for your pet cats. So, is apple cider vinegar really good for cats? Yes, it is probably good for cats because it can help ease some common pet problems. However, it should only be given minimally and in diluted form because it’s highly acidic and it could burn the mucus membranes of your cat’s digestive tract.  

Final thoughts 

Apple cider vinegar is a popular homemade and holistic option when it comes to treating cat problems like fleas, ringworm, mites, and allergies. It may also be used to treat urinary tract infection and respiratory problems. ACV has also been used to kill worms and internal parasites. However,  it should be used minimally and in diluted form because it’s highly acidic and may pose a risk to your cat’s digestive system. Always consult your veterinarian on the proper procedures of using apple cider vinegar.  To eradicate worms in your cat, the best action is still to visit your veterinarian at once for the proper deworming treatment.