Yes, Burmese cats are considered to be one of the most hypoallergenic cats. They are ideal cats for people who have mild cat allergies. They are produce less of the protein allergen, Fel D1, which causes cat allergies.
They also shed considerably less than most cats which lessens the possibility of dander in your home. They may not be a great choice for those with severe cat allergies, but they may make a great match to someone with mild allergies.
What is a Burmese cat?
Burmese cats are medium-sized muscular cats in a compact appearance. The males are typically larger. They have an ample rounded chest with a back that is level from shoulder to tail.
Their head is rounded without flat planes. Their face is full with considerable breadth between the eyes and blends gently into a broad, well-developed short muzzle. The chin is rounded, reflecting a proper bite. Their head sits on a well-developed neck.
Their ears are medium-sized, set well apart, broad at the base, with rounded tips. They tilt slightly forward giving the cat an alert appearance.
Their eyes are large and set far apart.
Their legs are well-proportioned to their body. Their paws are round, with five toes on front paws and four on the back paws.
Their tail is medium in length and straight.
Their fine, glossy, satin coat is short and close-lying. It comes in the colors sable, champagne, blue, or platinum.
Burmese cat personality
Burmese cats are amusing, playful, smart, and interactive. They are loyal and very people-oriented. They offer unconditional love and are some of the most devoted cats.
They keep their playfulness their entire lives and seem as youthful at 16 years as they were at 16 weeks. They are very animated and love to entertain their humans. They love jumping from tall bookshelves and counters when you are looking.
If they think you are not giving them the attention they deserve, they will sit in front of you and stare you down until you give it to them.
Females are intelligent, emotional, and curious, while males have a more moderate temperament.
After playing physical games, they like to lounge about, usually right where you are sitting.
Burmese have a unique raspy voice that may sound like a normal cat’s voice that is going hoarse. They may like to talk if they have something they want to express, but they are not nearly as talkative as the Siamese. But they can be persistent about what they want you to understand.
How much does a Burmese cat shed?
Burmese cats are low-shedders, meaning their short coats shed minimally. Their coats only need to be brushed at least once a week and baths may not be needed as much. As long as their loose fur and dander are removed often, they rarely cause an allergic reaction. Although these cats are low-maintenance, they still enjoy getting brushed because they are getting your undivided attention.
What do I do if I want a Burmese cat but have allergies?
Before getting any cat breed, do ample research regarding it’s temperament, nutritional and medical needs, exercise requirements, and their tendency for triggering allergic reactions. Cats can live to be over 20 years old, so getting one as a pet can mean decades of commitment.
If you have a friend with a Burmese or if you can find a breeder, ask them if you can come over and spend time with their cats. This way you can observe how your body reacts to the breed specifically.
Not doing enough research before getting a Burmese cat may result in rehoming, which may be stressful for the poor kitty.
Tips for managing allergies
If you have allergies but still want to get a Burmese, here are some tips on how to keep the risk of allergic reactions to a minimum:
Regular brushing and bathing will remove the loose hairs and dander from a Burmese cat’s fur. Weekly brushing may suffice, but these cats enjoy the experience so it is a great bonding experience for you both. If your cat does not like baths, try using a damp cloth to wipe down their bodies for the same results. This way you clean your cat and they are not traumatized.
Consult with your veterinarian regarding giving your cat breed appropriate food. There might be specific cat foods that work better for your cat to properly address its nutritional needs. Give your cat food with Omega 3 because it helps keep the skin and coat healthy and shiny. Make sure your cat has access to clean water all day to keep them well-hydrated.
Cleaning is key
Vacuum your fabric furniture and carpets often, as they retain plenty of dander due to their fibers. Wipe down smooth surfaces like tables, countertops, and other furniture with a microfiber cloth to pick up fur and dirt more effectively. If your budget allows it, purchase an air purifier to help filter out allergens and dander in the air around your home.
Keep kitty out of the bedroom.
Keeping your cat out of the bedroom gives you one room in the house that is free of allergens. This way you get to sleep peacefully without worrying about any allergic reactions.
Wash your hands
Make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after every physical encounter with your cat, to remove any fur and dander from your hands that might accidentally transfer onto your face.
If none of the above methods work, consult with your physician about what kind of anti-allergy medications work best for you.
Burmese cats are considered hypoallergenic because they shed a lot less than other breeds. They are a great choice for people with mild cat allergies. To lessen the occurrence of allergies make sure to brush and bathe your cat regularly, clean fabric furniture and carpets, keep your cat out of your bedroom, give your cat a breed appropriate diet, wash your hands after touching your cat, and to take antihistamine medication whenever necessary.
Image: istockphoto.com / scaliger