No, Himalayan cats are not hypoallergenic. No cat is truly hypoallergenic because all of them produce the Fel d 1 protein, the allergen responsible for cat allergy. It is found in a cat’s skin, saliva and urine. When cats lick their fur, the allergen is transferred from the saliva to the fur.
Allergens can spread around your home and environment and trigger allergic reactions. You can also spread the allergens by petting your cat. Since felines like to mark their territory around the home, only a few parts of the house will remain unaffected by allergens.
Cat breeds with short or less hair are less prone to shedding as they may spread fewer allergens. However, they still produce allergens and can still affect people who are prone to cat allergies. A cat’s Fel d 1 levels may vary depending on the cat and its breed and some people with cat allergies may respond differently based on the cat.
Cat allergy symptoms
Here are some of the common symptoms of cat allergy:
- runny eyes and nose
- sneezing
- hay fever symptoms
- wheezing
- difficulty in breathing
- allergic asthma
- hives or itchy rashes
Symptoms usually take as long as two days to show while some people experience them within minutes after exposure to a cat or an environment where a cat previously visited or went to.
The common treatment options for cat allergy include antihistamine medication and nasal sprays. People who are prone to asthma could benefit from the use of inhalers. Other treatments include decongestants and allergy shots. Consult your doctor on the right anti-allergy medication for you.
Can you manage a cat allergy if you have a Himalayan cat?
Here are tips on how to manage cat allergy:
- Clean and vacuum your home regularly.
- Keep the air fresh by opening the windows.
- Keep your cat out of bedrooms.
- Ensure that your cat is healthy so they are less likely shed and produce dander.
- Wash your hands after contact with your cat.
- Avoid getting licked, scratched or rubbed by your cat.
- Ask a non-allergic person to groom and brush your cat regularly.
- Bathe your cat at least every four weeks or wipe thier fur with cat wipes.
Himalayan cat physical features and personality
Himalayan cats look almost identical to Persian cats, but for the brilliant blue eyes and Siamese colorpoint markings. They have cream-colored bodies with a darker face, ears, feet and tail. They have an average lifespan of nine to 15 years and weigh around seven to 12 pounds. This medium-sized cat breed is also referred to as a Himalayan Persian, Colorpoint Persians in Europe or Himmies, which is a term of endearment.
Himmies have pointed markings and beautiful eyes like the Siamese but they also have long, silky coats like their Persian cousins. They also have flat or shortened faces just like Persian cats. This cat breed has a sweet nature and is fond of cuddling up to their favorite humans. They tend to be more playful than Persian cats. If you don’t mind daily grooming sessions, this cat breed is for you!
Cats with fewer allergens for people who are allergic
Here are some cat breeds that are suited for people with cat allergies:
1. Balinese
This cat breed, which means “Oriental Ballerina”, is also popular as the “longhaired Siamese”. It is a natural spontaneous mutation of the Siamese gene and developed in the United States as a breed of its own. It possesses the beauty and charm of the Siamese breed along with a unique, silky and angora-like coat.
2. Javanese
This breed is also a longhaired version of the Siamese cat breed. It developed from a foundation of Colorpoint, Siamese and Balinese cats. They are not as loud as the Siamese but they do tend to be opinionated and vocal. These cats are agile, playful and make good family pets. They are energetic and like to follow you wherever you go.
3. Devon Rex
These so-called “pixies of the cat fancy” have oversized ears, impish eyes and elfin faces. They are very loyal pets and have dog-like qualities, are sociable, fun-loving and like to be around their humans most of the time. These cats have curly and very short coats.
4. Cornish Rex
This cat breed has a soft, wavy and rippled coat that lacks guard hair. They are slender, athletic, require less grooming and are less likely to shed around the home. These cats have curved contours, an arched back and very soft hair.
5. Siberian
This intelligent breed is a good problem-solver and can leap great distances and heights. They are very agile, muscular and powerful. These cats are known to produce some of the lowest levels of Fel d 1 protein, the allergen responsible for cat allergies.
6. Sphynx
This hairless breed is favored by people who are prone to allergies. Sphynx cats have oily skin and are warm to the touch. They are also called “suede hot water bottles” and they do not have a fur coat. They do not need to be brushed but they have to be bathed at least once a week to remove oily secretions.
7. Russian Blue
These beautiful felines make wonderful family pets because they have a pleasant disposition. Russian Blue cats have sparkling, silvery fur and intense green eyes. These felines originated in Russia and their fur is well-adapted to cold climates. Their dense double coats trap allergens close to the skin.
Low-allergen cat breeds mentioned above produce fewer allergens than other cats. However, no cat is completely hypoallergenic because all cats produce the Fel d 1 protein, the allergen responsible for cat allergies.
Himalayan cats are popular because of their long, silky coats, dazzling blue eyes and colorpoint markings. They are not hypoallergenic since all cats produce Fel d 1 protein, the allergen responsible for cat allergies. However, you can still keep and care for your Himmie as long as you follow the safety procedures diligently.
Image: istockphoto.com / Celesty