Cat Meows When Pooping

Cat Meows When Pooping

When a cat meows while pooping, it could just be retained behavior that it has carried into adulthood. But there are instances where a cat meowing when pooping is a sign of trouble. It is possible that the cat is meowing because they are experiencing urinary tract infections or even painful bowel movements.

If you notice your cat all of a sudden meowing while pooping when it did not used to do this, take it to the vet for an examination in case it is a sign of something serious.

If your cat has the habit of meowing while pooping, and you want to know more about this behavior, then keep on reading.

Why does my cat cry when using the litter box?

If this habit is nothing new and your cat has been doing this since it was a kitten, then it is probably nothing to worry about. But if it is a recently developed habit, and is a high-pitched meow, or if you see other unusual signs like straining or other symptoms of pain, take your cat to the veterinarian because it may have a health issue that needs addressing, like:


Cats that have constipation tend to wear themselves out when attempting to poop. The cat goes through a lot of discomfort and pain throughout the process and they cannot help vocalizing their feelings.

Constipation can usually be fixed by making changes to your cat’s diet, with the help of your veterinarian. Adding fiber-rich food to the cat’s daily meals can help constipation subside in a day or two. But if your cat’s constipation lasts for more than three days, they may need a different kind of intervention.


Colitis is the inflammation of the intestine that will cause your cat to have a hard time defecating. Cats with colitis often have bloody stool, poop more than usual, and tend to miss the litter box. If you notice these signs with your cat, take it to the veterinarian because colitis can have numerous causes that only a professional can narrow down and properly treat.


This is a condition that happens to long-haired breeds. It is when your cat has not been able to groom themselves enough and so knots and matting form in their rear. The knots and mats gather fecal matter until it gets so bad that it blocks the cat’s anal orifice, making the cat unable to void the poop completely.


Sometimes injury, scar tissue, or benign or cancerous growths can cause the anal opening of a cat to become narrow. This condition is called stricture. Because the orifice has become smaller than normal, the cat will have a hard time passing its poop. The cat will often strain their body to force the defecation. This can be incredibly uncomfortable and painful for them. Take your cat to the veterinarian to get checked out and treated.


If your cat loves to groom itself, it can end up swallowing a lot of fur by mistake. This fur can accumulate over time in the cat’s colon and become big enough to block it.

Other cats might have feline pica and chew and eat non-food objects, like rocks, rubber bands, or string. These objects can also cause a blockage in your cat’s intestines and may even be fatal if not sorted out immediately.

What does unhealthy cat poop look like?

It is necessary to investigate your cat’s poop every once in a while. At first, it can be tricky differentiating your cat’s healthy bowel movement from the unhealthy ones. But the more you spend time with your cat and investing in their health, it will become easier.

If your cat’s poop is too hard, it can cause your cat immense pain when it poops. Healthy poop is well-formed but soft, like children’s clay.

Blood in the stool can make the poop look dark and almost black. This is an alarming sign, and the cat has to be taken to the veterinarian immediately.

Droppings that are too small can indicate issues like liver disease or a blocked duct. It can also be an indication of a metabolic or neurological condition. But the most common cause is an obstruction in the colon.

Wet stools are also a type of unhealthy bowel movement. Diarrhea can indicate infection, food intolerance, or parasites.

What should I do if my cat meows a lot before pooping?

If your cat does this out of habit, it is usually nothing to worry about. But if your cat’s meowing does not sound normal when pooping, take it to the veterinarian to get checked. Conditions like tumors and hernias could be at play; catching these early may save your cat’s life.

Make sure your cat has access to fresh, clean water 24 hours a day, and that they have sufficient fiber content in their food. Some cats drink water very minimally. You can try giving these cats unsalted chicken broth.

Why does my cat howl after using the litter box?

When a cat’s bowel movement is painful, this can cause the cat to cry in pain. Check your cat’s poop for any indication of an issue during defecation. If there are no obvious signs, try to catch the next time your cat poops.

Female cats will often howl when they are in heat. But this type of howl is quite distinct and is easy to distinguish.

Other times, your cat may just be telling you to clean its litter box. Cats are quite obsessed with their hygiene, and they do not like a dirty litter box.

Sometimes cats will also howl after pooping just because they do not like the smell of their poop.

Other cats howl just to tell you that they do not like their litter box.


Cats meow when they poop when it is a quirk they have had since they were a kitten. But if the meowing is a new behavior, you should heavily consider that there is something abnormal about your cat’s process of pooping.

There are several medical conditions that can cause difficulty in defecating. No matter which one it is that is causing pain and discomfort to your cat, it is imperative that you take it to the veterinarian for expert opinion and treatment.

Remember that cats prefer to hide the fact that they are sick, so seeing them basically call out in pain means that they are truly suffering. Always be mindful of your cat’s health.

Image: / Iuliia Zavalishina