Is Barbados Pride Poisonous to Cats and Dogs?

Barbados Pride

The Barbados Pride is poisonous for both cats and dogs.

Typical symptoms include diarrhea, lethargy, loss of coordination and vomiting.

Barbados Pride is a shrub that’s native to the West Indies or the tropics and subtropics of the Americas. It is a member of the pea family, Fabaceae that features bipinnate leaves and flowers that are borne in racemes up to 20 cm long. It could grow 3-5 meters tall depending on the climate and season.

The scientific name for this plant is Caesalpinia pulcherrima. Additional name for this plant include Dwarf Poinciana, Flamboyant-De-Jardin, Flos Pavonis, Mexican Bird Of Paradise, Poinciana, Red Bird Of Paradise, Peacock Flower and Pride Of Barbados.

Image: / Gregory Clifford

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