The Cowbane is poisonous for both cats and dogs.
Typical symptoms include bloat, cardic disfunction, death, diarrhea, dilated pupils, fever, panting, respiratory depression, seizures, stomach pain and tremors.
Cowbane is a native to northern and central Europe, northwestern North America and northern Asia. It grows in wet meadows, along stream banks and other wet and marshy areas.The plant may be mistaken for parsnip due to its clusters of white tuberous roots. It is a poisonous plant under the species of Cicuta. Cowbane has smooth stems and small, white flowers.
The scientific name for this plant is Cicuta species. Additional name for this plant include Poison Parsnip, Spotted Water Hemlock, Spotted Parsley, Spotted Cowbane, Suicide Root By The Iroquois and Water Hemlock.
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