Hearing your cat purr is said to be one of the most relaxing feelings in the world. Some cat’s purr very quietly, while others purr so loudly, you’d mistake them for a jet engine!
Did you know that a cat purrs whenever they feel contentment? This is common even for wild cats.
So Why Does My Cat Purr So Loud?
If your cat is purring louder than normal, she may be especially happy and comfortable. A cat’s purr also tends to get louder with age, but can also get louder due to respiratory ailments.
Some cats are also naturally louder than others simply because of their breed; an example of this is the oriental short hair. Nonetheless, cats purring often signify a happy and healthy cat. However, it is crucial to note that a cat purring loudly might also mean that your cat is sick or feeling unwell.
Also purring associated with distress or discomfort is generally not just louder than normal purring but has other unusual qualities. The cat may stop engaging in kneading and other physical displays of affection, such as rubbing and nuzzling or clambering onto your lap.
Cats Purring at Night
If your cat’s purring is loud enough to bother you, there’s not much you can do about it other than oust her from the room. Cats can’t be taught to purr more quietly; they have internal volume settings that aren’t amenable to change. We recommend merely investing in a pair of good earplugs or making your cat sleep outside your bedroom at night.
Mother cats often purr loudly when they’re giving birth — not because having kittens is a particularly pleasant experience but as an intuitive way to soothe their pain and stress. Purring is a highly versatile vocalization that can convey many different things and performs many different functions.

Purring Cat Facts
The majority of cats purr, whether it is domestic cats or wild cats. Some cats purr more loudly than others; some cats purr in their sleep. And some others purr, and suddenly bite you out for no reason.
Cats start to purr as early as within a day or two after their birth; it is their first way of communication with their mother and their litter-mates. Kittens’ purrs tend to be soft and very high due to their small bodies. As they grow older and bigger, their purrs will also develop to become louder and deeper.
The exact reason for a cat’s purr is something of a mystery. Purring is exclusive to certain species of felines. Some species outside these families also make purr-like sounds but seem to use a different mechanism than cats do.
Various situations trigger purring. We’ve seen how baby kittens use their tiny purrs to encourage their mother’s milk production and how contented cats use purring to convey their positive emotional state.
On the other hand, purring can also be used to express affection. A cat who comes to you for attention will often “reward” you by purring and snuggling with you.
Some cats also express their need for care through purring; this way, they communicate to you that they feel anxious or are in pain.
For a cat, purring has many beneficial effects like releasing natural chemicals called endorphins, making the cat feel happier. Endorphins are the stress-relieving, pain-killing natural chemicals of a cat; even humans have this too.
It is also fun to note that when humans contact purring cats, not only do the cats feel even happier, but humans also tend to be more relaxed and more comfortable. Research has proven cats also help improve the condition of those who have high blood pressure as purring cats help them relax.
Why Do Cats Purr When They Sleep?
Cats very often continue purring after they’ve fallen asleep. They continue purring as if it is part of their subconscious brain. A cat can be snoozing deeply on your lap or in her bed, eyes closed, paws twitching in a dream, and still be purring.
It may also be that your cat isn’t completely asleep and is simply in a very calm and relaxed state. If you watch her face, her eyes may open briefly to peek at you and close again. This is the kitty equivalent of a kiss; this symbolizes that they trust you entirely enough to let their guard down.
Cats also seem to purr if they’re enjoying a pleasurable dream. It resembles a little human talking in their sleep, an unconscious vocalization related to the dream state.