1. Cats are fastidious groomers and clean themselves.

Cats are clean creatures and essentially clean themselves. While it is important to brush your cat regularly and clip her nails as well, they can manage mostly themselves in cleaning their fur and paws. Aside from grooming to keep clean, felines also groom themselves to regulate body temperature and distribute their natural skin oils. If they are embarrassed, anxious or stressed, they also tend to groom as a way of calming themselves.
Dogs are the complete opposite. They love to roll in dirt and mud and it is up to you to bathe and groom them.
2. Cats are low-maintenance compared to dogs.

Cats are easier to manage and care for than dogs. You need to take dogs for walks regardless of the weather or time and you have to go after their poop to clean it away. Cats do things differently with their litter boxes. They are easy to litter-train and usually bury their droppings.
It is part of their instinct to hide any traces of their presence or scent from nearby predators. Cat owners can benefit a lot from this instinct as it will keep things manageable and easier to clean and dispose of.
3. Cats tend to live longer than dogs.

Domestic cats live from 10 to 15 years on average while dogs only live from eight to 11 years. However, many factors contribute to a cat and dog’s lifespan including:
- breeding and genetics
- the amount of veterinary and health care received
- exercise
- nutrition
- mental stimulation and emotional connection
- environmental factors
4. Having a cat is good for your health.

Dogs may brighten your day because of their frisky and playful nature but cats have been proved to improve your health in many ways.
Here are some scientifically proven health benefits of having a cat:
- It lowers your risk of heart disease as a cat lowers your stress levels.
- A cat’s purring can heal bones, tendons and muscles. This is because a cat’s purr results in vibrations at a frequency of 20 to 140 HZ which has a positive effect on joint mobility.
- Cats reduce stress and anxiety. They may even know when you are sad and become extra affectionate when you’re feeling down.
- You sleep better with a cat according to a recent study from the Mayo Clinic Center for Sleep Medicine. The findings of the study indicate that 41 percent of respondents slept better because of their cat while only 20 percent said it led to disturbances.
- Having a cat can protect your children from a pet allergy. According to the National Institutes of Health, children are less likely to develop allergies if they were exposed to a cat early in their life.
Surprisingly, even just watching cat videos on YouTube can do you more good than you ever thought! A study made by Indiana University Bloomington concludes that watching cat videos boosts viewers’ energy and feel good emotions while decreasing negative emotions.
5. Cats are quieter than dogs.

Dogs can be so irritating when they bark at the most trivial things like a skittering squirrel. Cats are the complete opposite. They rarely make excessive noise. They are crepuscular creatures so they are most active during dusk and at dawn. Nevertheless, prepare to have a chatty roommate if your cat is a Siamese. This breed is very vocal and notorious for its vocalizations and loud, low-pitched meows called the meezer.
6. Cats respect your personal space when you need it.

This is one area where dogs and cats are poles apart. Dogs will not understand how stressful your day was when you come home from work. They will follow you around the home, jump excitedly at you and nudge you to play fetch with them.
Cats are the exact opposite because they tend to understand the concept of personal space. This may be because they can relate to the feeling. Felines also do not need your constant attention which gives you time to relax and unwind after a tiring day at work.
7. Cats are sleeping masters.

Cats are voracious sleeping beauties, they will take any chance to sleep regardless if they are hanging from a bag, cooped up in a small box or huddled inside a shoe. They sleep from 12 to 16 hours per day while some may sleep for up to 20 hours. This means you can have some special “me time” without your pet following you everywhere.
8. Cats keep your home free from rodents and pests.

Cats are predators and they instinctively stalk, hunt and pounce on their prey regardless if it is a salamander or a scorpion. They are famous for being mouse catchers and their scent alone can keep rats away. However, this may not apply to all cats because some may just play with rats while some cats are afraid of them. It all boils down to a cat’s unique personality.
9. Kittens are easier to care for compared to puppies.

Kittens and puppies need extra tender loving care and attention. You have to get them settled in their new home, feed them and train them. This could take a toll on your sleeping schedule for a few weeks. However, puppies tend to be fussier because they require ongoing training especially when it comes to potty training.
Kittens can learn things more quickly once they are weaned from their mothers and have an idea of using the litter box.
10. Cats are content although they are inside the home most of the time.

While cats would willingly escape from an open window they are also content just being indoors. Provide them with entertainment by installing a cat perch or catio so they can watch the birds and other animals from a safe distance.
This setup is impossible with dogs. They need lots of exercise and you have to take them out for walks for them to stay healthy and happy. This can be a predicament if you live in an urban area where there are very limited safe and open spaces for dogs to walk and explore.
11. Having a cat is more cost-effective.

Cats are more affordable to own compared to dogs. Understandably, some cat breeds more expensive than others especially rare ones. However, you can always get away with less if you are buying them while still kittens.
Although some dog breeds are affordable you will incur a lot of costs especially with larger breeds. Dogs are famous for being toy shredders so you have to provide them with tough toys which of course comes with a big price tag.
Cats are not as disruptive as dogs. Toys for cats are cheaper and there are do-it-yourself cat toys you can make.
Dogs need to be exercised and be taken for regular walks so you may even have to hire dog walkers to do the job. This in addition to their greater need for medical fees, vet visits, food and supplements. Cats also need these essentials but usually at a cheaper price.
12. Cats do not need a lot of space to survive.

Dogs are generally larger and more active than cats so they tend to need more space in your home. Aside from their size, they have toys and dog beds that won’t just fit in a little space.
Cats do not need as much space as long as there is an area for their litter boxes and food and water bowls. While cat beds are essential, some cats are just as happy with sleeping in an old cardboard box or in a pile of old clothes.
13. Cats are extra special since they were once worshipped as gods.

Cats have been worshipped as gods and deities as early as 3000 B.C. Some of the so-called deities include Bastet, the Egyptian goddess of war, protection and moon depending on the dynasty. Other feline deities include Sekhmet, the warrior goddess of healing; Dawon, the Hindu sacred tigress; Barong Ket, the Balinese king of spirits and the jaguar gods of the pre-Columbian Mayan era.
14. Cat bites are not as dangerous as dog bites.

Dog bites are more common than cat bites and the number of people bitten by dogs has been on the rise. An estimated number of 35 people die from dog bites each year. At least four million Americans are bitten by dogs every year and 44 percent of these persons are younger than 14 years. Even mild dog bites can cause a risk of infection, injury and pain.
Cats may also bite people but the bites usually only cause mild pain. They do not also pursue people to bite them, unlike dogs. Felines usually bite when they are provoked, scared, threatened or overstimulated. However, cat bites can still become infected so it is always best to consult a doctor should you be bitten by your cat.
15. Cats have good maternal instincts.

Mother cats care for their young and once the kittens are born, they nurse them to become big and healthy. Mama cats teach her kittens how to sharpen their claws and use the litter box. They have a special noise when they call their kittens, called a chirrup and they will also eat the kittens’ pee and poop each time they clean them.
Mama cats usually wean their kittens when they are around four to eight weeks old. However, there are instances when they will abandon or leave a kitten or two. The reasons may include sickness or deformity, a large litter size, mastitis or even a lack of maternal instinct.
Mother dogs do not normally behave like mother cats and leave more of the puppy care responsibilities to the owners.
16. Being a cat lover could mean you have higher intelligence compared to dog lovers.

According to a study at the Carroll University in Wisconsin, cat owners and those who are drawn to felines were found to have a higher IQ. Denise Guastello, associate professor at Carroll University explained that dog lovers tend to be more extroverted compared to cat lovers who prefer to read books and stay home especially since most cats don’t need to go out for a walk. Furthermore, dog people are more social and outgoing while cat lovers are more sensitive and open-minded.