Why Do Cats Like Bags?
There is something about tight and dark places like boxes and bags that naturally attract cats. It may have something to do with how they appeal to their sensitive senses of smell and touch. Bags, in particular, are very captivating for cats and you will notice that kitties will squeeze themselves into them regardless if

How To Prevent a Cat Shedding?
Shedding is a normal part of a cat’s existence as a way of replenishing fur. Cats shed fur every day with one or two major sheds annually. The amount of fur being shed may be due to a variety of factors such as the cat’s breed, the seasons, diet and overall health. While all cats

Bengal Cats and Dogs
Bengal cats and dogs living together under the same roof? Although cats and dogs are often portrayed as mortal enemies, they can be kept as pets in the same home. However, there are a few considerations and preparations that need to be made to make the pairing successful. Keeping Bengal cats and dogs in the

Bengal Cat Lifespan
If you are on the lookout for an affectionate cat breed with exotic and striking coat patterns, the Bengal cat is a good choice. This breed is a relatively new but gaining popularity because of its spotted or marbled coat which displays a gold or pearl dusting effect also known as glitter not found in

Feline Stomatitis and Coconut Oil
Is your cat not her usual self lately and growling at her food? Is she always hiding and drooling excessively? You may not be aware of it but your cat may have feline stomatitis. It is a painful condition among cats caused by inflamed mouth tissues. While the treatment options for the condition include oral

Is Clumping Litter Bad For Cats?
Clumping litter is a popular choice among cat owners because it is easier to dispose of and most cats seem to prefer it as it is easy to push aside. But, is it completely safe for your furry babies? Is clumping litter bad for cats? Yes, clumping litter can be bad for cats because it

A Stray Cat Has Adopted Me
You usually see stray cats in the park, alley or abandoned buildings. These are domestic cats that have been left behind or strayed from their owners and became lost. But, what happens if a stray cat wanders to your yard, seeks your attention and hangs out near your front door? Will you or will you

Cat Not Interested In Toys
Is your usually-active cat not her playful self lately? Has she been ignoring her toys for days and won’t play with them? Cats are normally energetic and frisky. They are easily piqued by moving things around and will willingly chase them because of their prey drive. However, if your indoor cat loses interest in her

Are Great Danes Good With Cats?
Have you ever wanted to own a Great Dane but you are worried that it may not get along well with your cat? Dogs have long been believed to be a cat’s nemesis although a quick look at the modern setting tells a different story. Most households in the US that have both cats and

Are Boxers Good With Cats?
If you are a cat owner who also loves to have a canine companion, you are not alone. There are a lot of cat parents who also own dogs and with a good outcome. Common dog breeds that get along well with cats include the Collie, Golden Retriever, Beagle and Dachshund. If you are planning

Do Cats Sleep With Their Eyes Open?
Have you observed your cat in a loaf or curled up position, breathing evenly, looking peaceful but with eyes open? Chances are, your cat may just be enjoying a blissful nap discreetly. This may be confusing and creepy to witness because it is an unusual way to sleep from a human perspective. Do cats sleep

How Long To Quarantine Cat With Ringworm?
Ringworm is a skin fungal infection that is prevalent among kittens and long-haired cats but it can affect cats of any breed or age. This skin condition can spread to humans especially those that are immunocompromised or people that have impaired immune systems. It is not caused by a worm but a group of fungi

Are Great Pyrenees Good With Cats?
Having a cat is endearing but having one plus a dog can be twice the fun! Despite the the common misconception that cats and dogs do not mix many cat owners that also own a dog or two can attest that these animals do get along fine given the right socialization and training. Nevertheless, the

Do Calico Cats Shed?
Have you always wanted to own a cat with striking coat colors and patterns? If so, you should consider having a calico cat. These cats have prominent tri-color patterns and known to have sweet and endearing personalities. But, are they easy to care for and do they shed a lot? Let us find out in

How to Catch a Smart Cat?
The combination of a cat’s agility and natural skittishness makes it difficult to catch one. But one when you add smarts to the equation, the task becomes more difficult. And it does not help that when a cat is cornered, he will not shy away from using his claws and fangs. The tactics that you

Maine Coon Sphynx Mix
Would you like to own a cat that is not physically striking to look at but has an adorable and affectionate personality? If so, a Maine Coon Sphynx mix cat may be a good choice. Some people may find this as an unlikely pair but a mix of these two breeds guarantees that you will

Maine Coon Personality
Admittedly, not all cats have an adorable temperament, but if there is one breed that stands out due to its affectionate personality and as a good companion it is the Maine Coon. Maine Coon Personality Traits The International Cat Association or TICA currently recognizes 71 cat breeds while the Cat Fanciers Association acknowledges 44. Each

Are Calico Cats Hypoallergenic?
No, Calico cats are not hypoallergenic just as no cat is completely hypoallergenic. However, they are less likely to trigger allergic reactions especially because most of them are females which are known to produce fewer allergens compared to male cats. Calico is not a breed but a coat color pattern among cats and cats of

How Long Does Advantage Take To Dry?
If you notice your cat compulsively scratching her fur, running around like crazy and biting her tail, she is infested with fleas. Treating the issue promptly is important so the matter won’t get out of hand. Aside from giving your cat a flea bath, treat her with Advantage, a solution that kills fleas on contact.

Maine Coon Whiskers
Maine Coons have a friendly and sweet temperament which is quite a contrast to their facial features. These cats have medium-width heads, well-tufted ears and manes in their neck, making them look like miniature lions. Their extra-long whiskers complete their look and add a final touch to their ferocious-looking face. Maine Coon Whiskers Explained Whiskers

Peterbald vs Sphynx
Both Peterbald and Sphynx are known for their affectionate nature, although there are also differences in their characters. They both have unique looks because of their baldness. Read on to learn more about the similarities and differences between these breeds. Peterbald The Peterbald is a breed of Russian origin created from experimental breeding. It is

Are Persian Cats Hypoallergenic?
As adorable as Persians look some cat lovers may have a hard time dealing with allergies or asthma which are exacerbated by the fluffy furs of the Persian which requires a lot of maintenance shed a lot. Are Persian Cats Hypoallergenic? No, Persian cats are not hypoallergenic. They have long coats which carry high levels

Are Sphynx Cats Hypoallergenic?
While not the most common pet cats, Sphynx cats are curious, smart, energetic, have a sense of humor and are favored by people who are prone to allergies. Are Sphynx cats hypoallergenic? Yes, Sphynx cats may be considered hypoallergenic although no cat is 100% hypoallergenic. This breed produces less Fel D1 protein allergens and they

Maine Coon Colors
The gentle and affectionate Maine Coons are known around the world for their large size and adorable personality. These cats are smart, easily trained and very vocal. What makes them more lovable is their striking appearance especially their fluffy coats and vivid colors. Interestingly, Maine Coons have more or less 75 coat color variations classified

White Maine Coon
It is hard not to love white cats. They have a regal air and elegance around them that command attention. White Maine Coons in particular are popular not only for their luxurious coats but for their affectionate and sweet nature. A big bonus if they have odd-eyes, where one eye is blue and the other

Calico Maine Coon
Have you always wanted to own a three-colored cat? If you are into mild-mannered cats with eccentric coat colorations, a Calico Maine Coon is a great choice. These felines have the signature Maine Coon temperament and they come in distinctive tri-colored coats. Calico Maine Coon: Color variants and genetics Maine Coons come in various coat

Orange Maine Coon
Orange Maine Coons not only have a distinctive appearances but they are also sweet-tempered. If you have a career and a busy family, these cats may be a good fit for you because they can entertain themselves while you are away. Orange Maine Coon: Color classes and variations The orange Maine Coon cat is also

Are Baby Wipes Safe for Cats?
Baby wipes are great to have around, whether you have kids or not. But can you use these for cleaning your cat? Are baby wipes safe for cats? No, baby wipes are not entirely safe for cats. Baby wipes contain ingredients that may be safe for humans, including young children. But these same ingredients can

Are Ladybugs Poisonous To Cats?
Cats tend to run after or pursue fast-moving objects including insects like ladybugs. However, as any concerned cat owner should be, you are concerned if pursuing and eating these bugs could be dangerous for your cat. Are ladybugs poisonous to cats? Yes, ladybugs may be poisonous to cats, particularly the Asian ladybug or Harmonia axyridis

Do Cats Like Being Talked To?
Cats are known for being aloof and finicky at times but they do have a social side to them. Being the social creatures that they are, felines are believed to enjoy communicating with their owners through various vocalizations. Are you wondering if your cat understands you when you talk to her about your day or

How To Raise A Kitten To Be Affectionate?
Kittens are cute and fuzzy with a gregarious nature. They are energetic and frisky, spending most of their waking hours scurrying around and playing with fellow kittens or cats. Are you worried that your kitten may not grow to be as affectionate as you want her to be? Read on for some great tips on

Do Cats Need A Bed?
Cats adore their snooze time and typically spend two thirds of their life doing what they do best, yes, sleeping! They sleep for more or less 12 to 16 hours each day along with some power naps. This leads one to wonder if beds are necessary for cats a.k.a. devoted sleeping beauties. Do cats need

Kitten Sleep Schedule
Kittens are precious furry babies that need delicate care and attention. Aside from ensuring that they are well-fed and their basic needs are met, they must have ample sleep since they are still developing. The younger your kitten is, the more sleep she needs for optimal growth and health. Kitten sleep schedule and sleeping patterns

Why Do Cats Purr When You Stroke Them?
Cats may seem aloof but they are social creatures and they communicate with humans through various vocalizations. They meow, trill, yowl, hiss and purr. While it may be melodious or annoying all of these sounds have consequent meanings and convey a message to their humans. Why do cats purr when you stroke them? Here are

Why Do Cats Ride Roombas?
Anyone who has owned a cat will tell you that dealing with cat fur and bits and pieces of kibble around the house is part and parcel of living with felines. This is why many owners have invested in Roombas to help them deal with the fur and debris their pets leave around the home.

How Long Does It Take for Cats to Get Along?
Shelters and breeders encourage prospective cat owners to get two kittens from the same litter. Although there are a few challenges, having two cats is beneficial both for the cats and their humans. But what if you already own a cat and you are planning on getting another? Will the cats get along? For a

Why Does My Cat Lay on My Chest?
There is no denying that your heart melts when you find your cat sleeping on your chest or even your lap or your head. But sometimes, this adorable behavior can be downright uncomfortable for both of you or inconvenient even. Sometimes you wonder if your cat has attached a homing device to your chest. No

How Long Do Fat Cats Live?
Chubby. Cute. Cuddly. Indeed, a fat cat is a sight to behold. But that cuteness can come at a cost. Just like in humans, cats that carry excess weight are at risk of succumbing to a wide variety of diseases and disorders that can impact their health and wellbeing. How long do obese cats live?

How to Make Your Kitten Love You?
Unlike dogs that can instantly fall in love with their humans, cats are built differently. Sure, they are capable of being affectionate. However, they do not readily dispense their love. You have to show your cat that you are worthy of his love and attention. Ways to make your kitten love you Here are the

How Often Do Cats Blink?
Your cat has been staring intently at the birds outside the window. He has been at it for several minutes, seemingly worried that he will miss his quarry if he closes his eyes momentarily. When you think of it, you wonder when was the last time that you have seen your cat blink. How often

Can Cats Get Skin Tags?
A skin tag is a mass that can appear on any part of your pet’s body. It is composed mostly of collagen and blood vessels that are covered by skin. Skin tags are soft to the touch and usually have the same color as your pet’s skin. Skin tags can either dangle from a stalk

Can Cats Swim?
Like oil and water, cats and water do not mix. Or do they? Since time immemorial, people held on to the belief that cats do not like water. Just ask any cat owner who has attempted to bathe her pet. More often than not, you will get the same response. So the idea of cats

Cat Teeth Cleaning Risks
No matter how diligent you are in cleaning your cat’s teeth, your pet needs to get his teeth professionally cleaned at least once a year. However, some fur parents are wary of the idea of their beloved pets being put under anesthesia for the procedure. For them, the cat teeth cleaning risks outweigh the benefits.

My Cat Keeps Scratching But Doesn’t Have Fleas
Fleas rank as one of the leading causes of itchiness in cats. And if your cat has been scratching himself incessantly, it is natural to suspect that he has a flea infestation. But what if your cat is flea from fleas? Why your cat keeps scratching even if he doesn’t have fleas Your cat may

Do Cats Remember Their Siblings?
After being separated for years, would it not be nice to bring your cat together with his brothers and sisters? Is it a great idea or a recipe for disasters? Do cats remember their siblings? Can cats remember their littermates? No, cats do not remember their littermates, at least not in the way humans do.

Are Golden Retrievers Good With Cats?
Perhaps you own a Golden Retriever and now you are thinking of getting a cat. Or maybe it is the other way around – you have a cat and you are planning on getting a Golden Retriever. It is natural to be wary of the idea of owning a cat and a dog. Due in

Do Cats See in Color or Black and White?
If you are wondering whether cats can see in color or if they perceive the world in black in white, you are not alone. Initially, people, including scientists, believed that animals, including cats, see the world in black and white. But through research, scientists have discovered that cats do perceive color. Do cats see in color

Cat Not Feeling Well After Vaccinations
Most cats do not experience any side effects after being vaccinated. These kitties go back to their routines after getting home as if nothing happened. However, there are a small number of cats who might experience a few side effects, including malaise, low fever, and low appetite. Why your cat is not feeling well after

Cat Personality Change After Vaccinations
Whether you have a kitten or an adult cat, it should go without saying that vaccines are essential for your pet’s health and your safety. However, a trip to the clinic is often a traumatizing experience for most cats. And a visit to the vet can be doubly scary for a feline if injections are

What Does It Mean When a Cat Lets You Touch Its Paws?
Unlike dogs, cats do not readily give their paws to their humans. As predators, cats rely on their paws to catch prey and to fend off potential attackers. As such, it can be surprising to have your cat reach out to you with his paw, signaling you to touch it. What Does It Mean When a

How to Keep a Cat From Scratching a Wound?
If your cat has been recently wounded and stitched up, it can take anywhere between a few days to weeks before he is fully healed. During this period, your cat should not be allowed to have access to the area that has been wounded. Stopping your cat from scratching his wound The best way to

Cat Fur Changing Color
You could have sworn that your cat looked different when you saw him this morning. You dismissed the idea, thinking that the change in his appearance was a result of him standing in a sunny spot in your home. But when he sits on your lap after you plop yourself on the couch, your initial

Why Do a Cats’ Ears Twitch?
While your cat may look cute and funny with his ears twitching, sometimes twitching ears indicate that your cat is having a problem that needs immediate attention. Why do a cat’s ears twitch A cats ears may twitch because he is trying to focus his attention on something he heard, infections, polyps, ear mites, injuries,

Cat Losing Hair On Ears
It can be disconcerting to see your cat shed excessively. But that is natural. What may even be more alarming is to see your cat losing hair on ears. When a cat loses more hair on a single body part, it may mean that there is a larger underlying problem that you need to determine.

Cat Hair Loss Around the Eyes
Kittens have the same amount of hair all over their bodies. But as they age, some parts, including the face, grow fewer hairs. You can notice this in cats at around 14 to 20 months old. This trend can continue until the feline reaches the age of three. However, there are instances wherein the hair

9 Flat-Faced Cat Breeds
Whether you find flat-faced cat breeds cute or weird-looking, one thing is for certain: these felines will catch your attention. If you have been considering getting a pet cat, here are nine breeds that you might want to add to your shortlist of potential cats to get. Flat-faced cat breeds 1. Persian The Persian cat’s

How to Clean a Litter Box with Vinegar?
Apart from removing feces and urine clumps from the litter box, you need to clean and sanitize the box at least once a week or more often than that if you have many cats in your household. One of the most effective, cheapest, and most eco-friendly cleaning agents that you can use is vinegar. Cleaning

How to Clean a Litter Box in an Apartment?
Apart from removing clumps of feces and urine from the litter box and topping off the litter, you need to clean the litter box at least once a week. That task can be particularly challenging in light of certain limitations that you need to deal with if you live in an apartment. Cleaning a litter

Are Stink Bugs Poisonous to Cats?
Part of being a pet owner is wondering what item your furry little pal has taken into his mouth. In this scenario, that item is a stink bug. Can a stink bug poison your cat? Despite their bad odor, stink bugs are not poisonous to cats and other pets you may have in your household.

How Often Can I Give My Cat Catnip?
When it comes to giving catnip to a feline, there are no hard and fast rules. Some experts recommend giving catnip in its various forms twice to thrice a week. Others say that you should give catnip no more than once daily. How often can you give catnip to your cat? For most cats, one

Why Do Cats Sleep at the Foot of the Bed?
You remember sleeping with the cat beside you. But now that you have woken in the middle of the night to get a drink, your pet is nowhere to be found. After a quick check of the room, you find him curled up at the foot of the bed. This is not the first time

Black Specks in Cat Fur Not Fleas
You noticed black specks in cat fur. Not fleas, you say. After all, you have just finished dealing with those pests and you know what signs of an infestation to watch out for. If you have completely ruled out fleas as the cause of these black specks, there are two possible reasons you should investigate:

How to Get Rid of Flea Dirt on Cats?
You gently stroke your cat’s fur as he is curled up on your lap. But with just a few strokes, you feel little specks of what looks and feels like dirt. That is flea dirt, to be exact. How to Get Rid of Flea Dirt on Cats? You get rid of flea dirt on a

Is Ice Bad for Cats?
A tall glass filled with ice cubes and water is a welcome sight after spending some time under the summer sun. But can you give ice to your cat to help him keep cool? Is ice bad or good for cats? As with most things, there are no black and white answers. True, there are

Why Do Cats Hate Citrus?
You are finishing off your breakfast with a bowl of oranges when your cat walks by. You attempt to give him a slice of the fruit. But before he even gets close to you, he scurries away. Why cats hate citrus? Cats hate citrus fruits, from oranges to lemons to anywhere in between, because of

Mini Maine Coon
The Maine Coon is a big cat with a big personality to match its size. But is there a mini Maine Coon, the same looks and personality, albeit in a smaller size. Truth be told, Maine Coons are large cats. That is why they have earned the distinction of being the largest cat breed. In

Maine Coon Blue Eyes
Green, copper, amber, gold, and orange are the most common eye colors in Maine Coon cats. But what about blue eyes? Blue eyes are common in cats that have either a solid or partial white color in their furs. Some of these cats may have odd eyes where one eye is colored blue while the

Short Hair Maine Coon
It looks like a Maine Coon. It has the personality, the appearance, almost everything that makes a Maine Coon, well, a Maine Coon. Almost everything, except for the long and thick fur the breed is known for. Are you looking at a short hair Maine Coon? Most likely not. The short hair Maine Coon does not

Silver Maine Coon
Originally, all Maine Coon Cats were brown tabbies. Today, there are more than 75 color and pattern variations, including the Silver Maine Coon. Technically, the Silver or Gray Maine Coon is called the Blue Maine Coon. Blue is one of the five solid colors of Maine Coons. The rest are black, white, cream, and red.

Blue Maine Coon
Blue sometimes has negative connotations like unfriendliness, aloofness, and lack of emotion. But the Blue Maine Coon is far from that. This gentle giant combines the best of both worlds: an elegant color with the outsized personality of the breed. Blue Maine Coon cat The Maine Coon cat comes in 75 colors, including blue. Originally,

Maine Coon Lion Cut
Maine Coon Lion Cut: you have seen pictures circulating on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. Maine Coon owners are divided on the issue. Some think that this cut is cute and quirky. Others are vocal about their disapproval, saying that this haircut is downright cruel and unnecessary. But what exactly is a

Why Do Cats Bite Each Other’s Ears?
You have just noticed that one of your cats has developed the habit of biting your other pet’s ears. Should you worry that this might escalate into aggression? If you see your pets nibbling or licking each other’s ears, it simply means that they are communicating with one another to reinforce their bonds. Why cats

Can Cats Get Hypothermia?
Your cat’s thick fur does a great job protecting your pet from the elements and temperature extremes. This is why you should generally avoid shaving your cat’s coat. But even with their built-in protection, can cats get hypothermia? Can cats get hypothermia? Yes, cats can get hypothermia if they get too cold. They can succumb

Why Do Cat’s Scratches Burn?
You discovered that your new cat hates taking a bath the hard way. Now your arms are covered in scratches. Your cat may be small but his scratches can pack a wallop. There are four reasons why your pet’s scratches hurt so much: Your cat’s claws are sharper than they look. Cat scratches do not

My Cat Loves Belly Rubs
You know it is time to give your cat his daily dose of belly rubs when he plops himself on your lap. Never does a day go by when he solicits belly rubs from you as if it were your obligation. Why your cat loves belly rubs When your cat offers his tummy for a

Cat Bald Spots on Head
While brushing your cat’s fur, you notice bald patches on his head and other body parts. Now you are worried if this is a symptom of a larger problem. Generally, cats shed fur heavily twice a year, coinciding with the seasons. This type of shedding is called molting. Here, the hair loss should be even

Why Do Cats Like Running Water?
Your cat has no problem drinking from anywhere else but his drinking bowl. You have caught him drinking from the leaky faucet or your betta tank numerous times. And yet when you check his water bowl, there is little to no sign that he has drunk from it. Why cats prefer running water Your cat’s

Whisker Fatigue
Fluffy has been acting weird lately, especially around his food. You cannot pin it on something, you just know that there is something wrong. The answer might be hiding in plain sight, on his whiskers, to be exact. Your cat might be suffering from a condition known as whisker fatigue which can cause behavioral changes

How to Keep Cat Off Bed at Night?
How to stop your cat from sleeping on your bed Although there are a few benefits to allowing your cat to sleep beside you, sometimes, this scenario cannot continue. Preventing your cat from sleeping on your bed is no easy task, especially if he has been used to doing that. But with patience and a

Why Do Cats Like Crinkly Things?
You waited for days for your cat’s new toys to arrive. Finally, they are here. You open the box hurriedly. But before you can even show your cat his new toys, he has settled in his corner, fixated with the packaging paper, as if he found the greatest toy invented. Feline behaviorists have yet to

Are Scottish Fold Cats Hypoallergenic?
Smart. Sweet. Sociable. It is no wonder that many people want to adopt a Scottish Fold. But what if you or a loved one is allergic to cats? Perhaps somebody told you or you might have stumbled upon something on the Internet that says that Scottish Folds are hypoallergenic. Are Scottish Fold cats hypoallergenic Scottish

Male Cats Vs Female Cats: Pros and Cons
Adopting a cat is not as simple as going to a shelter or a breeder’s home and picking the first feline that you like. Owning a pet is a big responsibility that should be approached with caution. That means considering different factors, from your lifestyle to cat personalities and breed tendencies. But how about gender?

How to Get a Cat to Lose Weight With Multiple Cats?
Helping a cat lose weight is a difficult task. But that task becomes doubly hard if you have other feline residents in your home. If your pet needs to shed off excess pounds, here is how to get a cat to lose weight with multiple cats living in the same home. Whether you live with just

4 Cat Dandruff Home Remedies
If your vet confirms that the underlying cause of your cat’s dandruff is no cause for concern, you can try treating his condition at home. Here are four cat dandruff home remedies you can try on your cat. 4 cat dandruff home remedies Cat dandruff can be caused by a few different factors. And unless

How to Keep Cats from Scratching Furniture Using Vinegar?
The smell of vinegar is one of the scents that cats hate. And you can use that to your advantage to prevent unwanted behavior like scratching your furniture. Here is how to keep cats from scratching furniture using vinegar. How to stop your cat from scratching furniture with vinegar Start by mixing one part vinegar

Can Cats Get Rid of Worms on Their Own?
You found worms on your cat’s poop. But for one reason or another, you have not yet taken him to the vet for the appropriate treatment. The next time you checked your pet’s feces, you cannot find any signs of a worm infestation. Cats cannot get rid of worms on their own? No, cats cannot

Do Cats Need Sunlight?
Your cat loves spending time around the sunny spots in your home. But why does he prefer lounging around those areas? Do Cats Need Sunlight? No cats do not need sunlight like humans do. Humans need sunlight to create vitamin D whereas cats get their vitamin D from their diet. Vitamin D is considered an

Are Samoyeds Good with Cats?
Thinking of getting a canine companion for your cat? How about the Samoyed? Loyal, intelligent, and people-friendly, it is not hard to see why many people are charmed by the Samoyed. But if you already have a cat in your home, will the addition of this large working dog work? Samoyeds have a high prey

Do Cats Attack Rabbits?
Maybe you own a rabbit and you are thinking of getting him a feline companion. Or perhaps you are planning on keeping your rabbit in an outdoor hutch. You are thinking if your pet is vulnerable to an attack from a cat. Do cats attack rabbits? Yes, cats do attack rabbits when given the opportunity

Will My Cat Miss Me When I Give Him Away?
Moving into a new home. The arrival of a new baby. An allergic loved one. Although you do not want to part ways with your cat, there are some situation where you have to give him away. Will My Cat Miss Me When I Give Him Away? Your cat will not miss you the same

Should I Trim The Fur on My Cat’s Paws?
You may have not noticed it before but some cats have fur on their paws. This is especially so with long haired cats such as the Maine Coon or the Norwegian Forest Cat. The more accurate term for this type of fur is toe tuft. Should you trim the fur on your cat’s paw? Many

How Fast Does Cat Hair Grow?
There is no definite rate at which a cats hair grows. For long-haired cat breeds, hair growth to full length can take anywhere between four months to half a year. For short-haired cats, you can expect your pet to grow his hair back between a few weeks to three months. To better understand the rate

Will My Cat Come Back If I Let Him Outside?
Just as soon as you open the door, something zooms past you. Your cat! Cat owners are divided on the idea of their pets spending time outdoors and for a good reason, there is always the possibility that your cat is not able or does not even want to come back. Will your cat come

How to Entertain a Cat in a Small Apartment?
If you notice that your cat has been behaving weirdly lately, it might be a sign that your pet is bored. If you want to learn how to entertain a cat in a small apartment, the first thing that you should understand is that space should never be a constraint in fulfilling your goal. How

How to Catch a Feral Cat Without a Trap?
Trapping is the best way to catch a feral cat. But when that is not possible, you have to figure out how to catch a feral cat without a trap. Catching a feral cat without a trap You can catch a feral car without a trap by using a towel, a drop trap, or a

How Much Does a Cat Carrier Cost?
If you are planning on adopting a cat, one of the most important things that you need to invest in is a cat carrier. Even if you do not plan to travel with your cat, you can use a carrier at least to bring your pet to the veterinarian. How much does a cat carrier

When Do Kittens Open Their Eyes?
Unlike other mammals like humans that are born with eyes open, cats are born blind and only have two functioning senses – smell and touch. They are born with their eyes shut. When will your kittens open their eyes? Kittens usually open their eyes between seven to ten days after birth. However, there are some

Tuxedo Cat Personality
Dapper in black and white. Intelligent with liberal dashes of charm and playfulness. Meet the tuxedo cat. Tuxedo cats have figured prominently in history and popular culture, making them among the most popular domestic cats. But what makes these cats popular? Their sleek and classy appearance? The tuxedo cat personality? A quick look at the

When Do Mother Cats Leave Their Kittens?
Seeing a mother cat grooming and tending to her kittens is a heartwarming sight to behold. But unfortunately, some mother cats abandon their kittens. When do mother cats leave their kittens? Mother cats abandon their kittens for a variety of reasons. These include kitten sickness or deformity, large litter size, and lack of maternal instincts.

Do Cats Like The Smell of Vinegar?
Vinegar is one of the most common condiments used in kitchens around the world. But apart from that, this versatile condiment can also be used in a variety of ways, including cleaning. If you have a cat at home, you need to be aware that there are certain scents that your furry little pal dislikes. One

Tortoiseshell Cat Price
If you are looking for an adorable companion with distinctive fur colors, a tortoiseshell cat is a great option. These cats stand out because of their multicolored fur and feisty attitude. Read on and get to know these so-called divas of the cat world. Tortoiseshell cat price: How much does a tortoiseshell cat cost? Tortoiseshell

Cat Matted Fur Near Tail
It does not take long for new cat owners to discover their pets spending a sizeable portion of their waking hours grooming themselves. If your cat is not sleeping, eating, or playing, it is most likely that he is grooming himself. Cats do not groom themselves out of sheer vanity. No. Cats are fastidious creatures

How Often Can You Bathe A Cat With Fleas?
Cats can spend more than 50% of their waking hours grooming and keeping themselves clean. However, this does not exempt them from having fleas and parasites which they usually get if they come in contact with infected pets and other animals. Having fleas can be discomforting and may even be life-threatening for cats. How often

Bengal Tabby Mix
The Bengal cat breed is not one of the most popular breeds but it is gaining recognition as one of the most athletic breeds around. They are good jumpers and have a lithe and muscled build. More pet owners also want one because of their luxurious and striking coat and physical features. But, how do

11 Disadvantages of Having a Cat
Cats can bring their owners a lot of joy, but they can also require quite a bit of work, can cause damage and it can also get quite expensive to keep one. While we love our cats as much as the next cat owner, lets look the disadvantages. Here is a list of 11 disadvantages

How Does Litter Genie Work?
Having a cat around the house requires quite a bit of work including ensuring that the cat has a clean and odor-free litter box. A great way to make the litter -related duties a bit easier is to use a cat waste management system like Litter Genie that saves you time, money and effort. How

Do Cats Like Top Entry Litter Boxes?
Cats may be sociable and affectionate animals but they also need privacy especially when doing their thing at the litter box. It is essential to provide them with a spacious and clean litter box that is located in a quiet and secluded area of your home. Do cats have a special preferences when it comes

How To Apply Coconut Oil To Cat’s Skin?
Coconut oil has many surprising benefits for humans and the same goes for cats and other animals. It is good for heart health, contains healthy fatty acids and protects the skin, hair and teeth. But is it safe and recommended for cats? Read on and let us discuss in detail how coconut oil may be

How Far Can A Cat Jump?
Most people see cats as docile, calm and as masters at napping. But there is more to these furry wonders. They have an innate desire for action and adventure and an inner athlete just waiting to surface. How far can a cat jump? Cats can jump as far as seven feet based on the longest

Can Cats Taste Spicy?
Cats are renowned for their finely tuned senses, making them one of the best predators. But if felines have one area of weakness, that will be their sense of taste. Humans have around 9,000 taste buds while your cat only has 470. Furthermore, cats cannot taste sweet which is usually associated with carbs. And cats

How Do Cats Know To Use The Litter Box?
One of the not always so easy tasks a new cat parent has when bringing home a cat is how to litter train her. Cat urine is notoriously smelly which makes the task even more important. Surprisingly, litter training is a breeze with most cats. Read on and let us discover the reasons why. How

How to Get an Anemic Cat to Eat?
Whatever may be the reason behind your cat’s anemia, getting him to eat properly is one of the most important tasks that you need to undertake to ensure his fast recovery. Getting your anemic cat to eat When your cat is sick, depressed, or anxious, you may notice a marked decrease in his appetite. Although

Do Cats Hibernate?
Unlike some wild animals that hibernate during winter, domestic cats do not. The changes that you see in your feline might just be his way of coping with the cool temperature. It is also possible that he is experiencing seasonal affective disorder. Do Cats Hibernate? Cats do not hibernate and they do not need to. Domestic

Having Two Cats Pros and Cons
What is better than having one cat? Having two? While having two cats may work well and be beneficial both for your cats and yourself there are some definite risks involved. Many people believe that cats are solitary creatures that dislike having other cats and pets around in the same household. The truth is that felines

How Long Does It Take for Frontline to Work?
As a pet owner, it can be frustrating to see your pet struggle with a flea or tick infestation. Worse, these pesky critters pose serious health risks to both humans and pets. This is why it is crucial to deal with these insects the moment you first notice these on your pets or inside your

Why Does My Cat’s Fur Look Spiky?
Cats are know for their obsessive grooming habits which tends to keep their fur smooth and nice. There are, however, many reasons their fur can get matted, greasy and spiky. Why does my cat’s fur look spiky? A cats fur may look spiky for behavior or health based reasons. Behavior based reasons why the fur

How Long Does Frontline Take to Dry?
To ensure that Frontline works optimally on your cat, you have to allow it to dry off completely. But how long does Frontline take to dry? It can take up to two days for Frontline to dry off completely. This is why you should not let your feline get wet during this period. Although the

Why Do Cats Lick Blankets?
A cat spends anywhere between 15 to 50 percent of his waking hours grooming himself by licking his body. As such, it may come as a surprise for cat owners to see their felines lick also blankets and other inanimate objects. Why your cat licks blankets? Cats lick blankets, clothes, and other similar objects for

How To Tell If Your Cat Is Part Siamese?
Have you ever wondered why your furry friend has color point fur, is unusually vocal and has a distinctive low-pitched voice? Chances are, your resident cat might just be part Siamese! This breed is an old breed that originated from Thailand which was earlier known as Siam. How to tell if your cat is part

Black Maine Coon
You have probably heard of the superstitious belief that black cats bring bad luck and misfortune. This superstition can be traced back to ancient times. In reality black cats are really different from others in any other respect than, obviously, the color of their fur. Black Maine Coon coat variations Black Maine Coons are considered

Are Savannah Cats Dangerous?
The Savannah Cat is not for everyone, especially if you have no experience in keeping a feline. While it is an overstatement to claim the breed dangerous, it can be a handful and even destructive it its needs are not met. Are Savannah cats dangerous? No, Savannah cats are not dangerous. Although the breed traces its

Why Do Cats Vibrate?
Why do cats vibrate? Cats vibrate because of their purring which results in vibrations. Here is how the process works: the purr begins in the cat’s brain when a repetitive neural oscillator sends messages to the laryngeal muscles. These muscles are responsible for the opening and closing of the space between the vocal cords called

Matted Cat Hair Solution
Matted hair on your cat can be a major headache and it can turn into a proper nightmare both for you and your furry baby. Follow the following tips to de-mat your cat as easily as possible : Matted cat hair solution: Tips and tricks Cats are fastidious groomers and they spend at least 50

How To Tell If Your Cat Is A Bengal Mix?
Have you recently adopted a cat but you are not sure about its lineage? Take a closer look and scrutinize its coat markings, physical build and personality. For all you know, you might have a cat that is half Bengal! This breed is popular because of its exotic and luxurious coat, stocky build and intelligence.

How To Shave A Long Haired Cat?
Long-haired cat breeds like the Siberian, Himalayan, Maine Coon and Persian look elegant and regal in their lush and glossy coats. But it can be daunting once they start to shed and when their fur tends to mat. One alternative to curb the shedding and matting is to shave your long-haired cat. How to shave

Can I Shave My Cat To Get Rid Of Fleas?
Having fleas can be excruciating for your cat and the infestation can easily infest the whole household as well as fleas thrive in carpets, upholstery and beddings. The most effective ways to get rid of fleas in your cat are flea medication, giving her a flea bath and shaving her fur Can I shave my

Are Tabby Cats Smart?
A tabby cat is not a breed but a coat pattern that is observed in almost all of the official cat breeds. Most of these felines are affectionate, feisty, intelligent and get along well with kids and other pets. Are tabby cats smart? Yes, tabby cats are smart and tend to have high intelligence compared

Why Do Cats Disappear For Days At a Time?
Keeping your cat indoors most of the time has its advantages but some quality time outdoors also has its perks. However, it comes with considerable risks including that your cat may wander off for days. Why do cats disappear for days at a time? Cats disappear for days at a time because they are inquisitive

Can I Shave My Cat To Stop Shedding?
If you have started noticing too much cat hair in your clothes, furniture or bed lately it means that your cat is shedding. This is part of a healthy feline’s normal body system. However, it can create a big fuss and may cause embarrassment. Shaving your cat is one way to tame her fur and

Flame Point Siamese
Siamese cats are famous for their pointed coats, slender bodies and magnetic blue eyes. But, did you know that there are variations of this breed? Due to crossbreeding, other mixed breeds are existing today like the Flame point Siamese breed. Flame point Siamese cats have creamy-white, short coats with bright reddish-gold points with a paler

How To Trim A Squirmy Cat’s Nails?
Having their nails trimmed is stressful for some cats. While some take to nail trimming quite easily, some felines simply do not like it. They may resort to squirming while some cats may become aggressive. Not sure on how to trim a squirmy cat’s nails? Worry not, all you have to do is follow these

Is My Cat Part Maine Coon?
Are you suspecting that the cat you adopted from your local pet shelter is part Maine Coon? If you are suspect that your cat is part Maine Coon but you are not completely sure, you should seek the help of recognized authorities such as the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) or The International Cat Association (TICA).

How Big Do Tabby Cats Get?
Tabby cats are special because of their unique coat patterns along with a dynamic and affectionate personality. They get along well with people and children but sometimes they are also a handful. A tabby cat is not a breed but a coat pattern and the size of a tabby cat varies depending on the breed.

Why Do Cats Go Limp When You Pick Them Up?
Cats have unique personalities and each breed has its distinctive qualities and behavior. Some cats are affectionate while some are content with minimal attention. Also, some cats love to interact and be picked up by humans while some do not. Among the cat breeds, only Ragdoll cats are known to generally go limp when you

Lynx Point Siamese
If you adore Siamese cats for their physical beauty but are quite put off by their vocalization and aggressiveness, you may opt for a Lynx Point Siamese. These felines have the same slim and elegant bodies as the traditional Siamese cats but unlike the the traditional breed, these cats are laid-back and low-maintenance. Lynx Point

Are Tabby Cats Hypoallergenic?
Are you prone to allergies but still want to own a cat? You can still own one even if you’re allergic to dander, just opt for hypoallergenic cat breeds. Note that no cat breed is completely allergenic-free, even those commonly nominated hypoallergenic. Are tabby cats hypoallergenic? No, tabby cats are not hypoallergenic because being tabby

How Long Until a Maine Coon Is Fully Grown?
Do you want to own a cat but you’re confused about what breed to choose? Consider the Maine Coon cat breed which is known for its striking appearance, muscular build, large size, and kind demeanor. These gentle giants are also affectionate, inquisitive, and quite vocal. How long until Maine Coon is fully grown? Maine Coon

Are Bengal Cats Legal?
Bengal cats are popular because of their unique and striking coat markings. They are also sought after by cat fanciers and pet lovers because they are intelligent, agile, and have large muscular bodies. However, there are restrictions when it comes to owning a Bengal cat in the U.S. and it is illegal to own one

How Long Does Laxatone For Cats Take To Work?
Cat sometimes suffer from constipation and they often have digestive issues due to the ingestion of hairballs. Constipation is often a result of poor eating habits, lack of fiber in their diet, and lack of water intake while the latter is mainly due to their grooming habits. Many pet parents use Laxatone to help their

Why Do Cats Hide When They Are Sick?
Has your cat been a bit under the weather and now you cannot find it? It is typical for cats and other animals to hide when they are sick so there is a good probability that is exactly what is happening. Why Do Cats Hide When They Are Sick? Cats hide when they are sick

Is Diatomaceous Earth Safe For Kittens?
The presence of fleas in cats and kittens leads to extreme discomfort and sickness. It should be addressed immediately to prevent further infestation. The use of diatomaceous earth is a safe and effective way to treat fleas among felines. Opt for the food-grade kind that is labeled as GRAS or “generally recognized as safe” by

10 Best Cat Breeds For a Busy Family
Want to own a cat but too busy with your family and work? You can make this happen given the right cat breed that is low-maintenance, self-sufficient, and independent. While there are cats that are clingy and crave constant attention, some cat breeds like the Maine Coon can be left alone for some time and

Why Do Cats Want You To Walk Them To Their Food?
Cats can be quirky and weird all at the same time. There are times that they demand your attention but when you start to cuddle and pet them they suddenly jump and run away. They can also be confusing when it comes to mealtime. Take for instance, when they want you to walk them to

Can I Take My Persian Cat for a Walk?
Taking cats for a walk is normal these days. Cats are naturally curious and love to explore their surroundings so many felines are pleased spending their time outdoors, enjoying the smells, sounds and sights. But there are breeds of cats that tend to prefer a life indoors. One such indoor cat breed is the Persian

Cat Licking The Carpet
Cats normally lick their fur and paws and we see this as one of their natural habits. After all, they are epitomes of cleanliness and can spend half of their waking hours grooming themselves. However, it is a cause for concern if your cat begins to excessively lick materials such as the carpet or the

Where Is My Cat Hiding? 7 Potential Hiding Places
Cats like to hide. There are reasons why they do this – it is either they are frightened, have done something they know is wrong or simply because they feel comfortable and safe in certain spaces. If your cat is out of sight, there are some places in the home where it can be found

How To Keep Your Cat In Your Yard?
Every pet parent wants their cats to have a happy including experiencing the outdoors where they can get some physical exercise and a good dose of sunshine. However, the thought of your cat escaping can be terrifying. There are various ways to keep your cat in your yard such as by installing a cat enclosure

How Long Can A Cat Stay In A Crate?
Crates are large pet-safe enclosures that are a bit larger than carriers. Ideally, its size should be twice as big as a litter box and at least 1.5 times the size of your cat. This will allow your cat to have enough room to move around and to have the essential resources around like her

How to Tell if Your Cat is a Runt?
In some litters, there is one kitten that is weak and small. This little kitten is often considered the runt cat. Newborn kittens are fragile and even more so with runts. Because of its size and weakness, a runt might have a hard life initially. What is a Runt? A true runt is an animal

How Much Should A Nursing Cat Eat?
A nursing cat should eat as much as four times more than normally. Cats with two or more kittens need at least three times more calories than usual. In terms of calories a 10-pound cat nursing at least four kittens should have more or less 603 calories each day, and a 15-pound cat with at